Utilization of the Brazilian test for estimating the uniaxial compressive strength and shear strength parameters
K Karaman, F Cihangir, B Ercikdi, A Kesimal, S Demirel

Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and shear strength parameters (cohesion and angle of internal friction, C and f) of rocks are important parameters needed for various engineering projects such as tunnelling and slope stability. However, direct determination of these parameters is difficult and requires high-quality core samples for tests. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the applicability of the Brazilian test (BT) – a simple, less sophisticated and inexpensive method for both specimen preparation and testing – to estimate the UCS and shear strength parameters of rocks. Thirty-seven rock types were sampled and tested, 24 of which were volcanic, 8 were metamorphic, and 5 were sedimentary. Statistical equations were derived to estimate the UCS and shear strength parameters of rocks using the BT. The validity of the statistically derived equations was confirmed using predictive analytics software (PASW Statistics 18). A strong linear relation was found between BT and UCS values. BT and UCS values exhibited prominent linear correlations with the cohesion values of rocks. The Mohr envelope was also used to determine the cohesion and friction angle of rocks using BT and UCS values. It is deduced from the current study that the BT values can be used to estimate the UCS and cohesion. However, no relation was observed between the angle of internal friction values and the UCS and BT for all rock types. Therefore, different approaches are suggested for the estimation of the internal angle of friction for application in the preliminary design of projects.
Keywords: Brazilian test, shear strength parameters, triaxial compressive strength, uniaxial compressive strength, Mohr-Coulomb criterion