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Global Mining Standards And Guidelines Group Workshop

Date 14 August 2014
- 14 August 2014
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Global Mining Standards And Guidelines Group Workshop
20 August 2014 | Emperors palace Convention Centre, South Africa

The Global Mining Standards and Guidelines Group (GMSG) was formed as an international body to advance the utilisation of standards and guidelines in the global mining industry. The need for and benefit of standards and guidelines for the mining industry is to facilitate improvement in safety, productivity, cost, and efficiency for common industry business and operating functions.

GMSG enables collaboration and focuses on 4 priority objectives:
- Centre of facilitation for multi-stakeholder efforts to address common challenges
- Information & knowledge centre: 'hub of knowledge' and global network
- Identification/utilisation of existing standards and practices
- Drive/support standards and guidelines developments

With over 50 sponsoring member companies and participants from around the globe, participants come from mining companies, OEMs, technology suppliers, consultants, academics, and contractors; all mining industry stakeholders are welcome. GMSG spans the globe with members currently in six continents and is supported by 5 Partner Organisations: AusIMM, CIM, SME, SAIMM, and SMART.

This workshop will highlight some of the more recent advances by GMSG working groups, including:
- The Industrial Comminution Efficiency Working Group, developing guidelines to 
   standardize metrics for energy efficiency in comminution including the Bond Model and
   Morell method, and develop a database to enable comparison and ranking in conjunction
   with CEEC
- Development of a unified operator's interface for large shovels, to improve safety,
  productivity and costs, as an example of technology change driven by collaboration
- Participation in the ISO Technical Committee 82 on Mining, including the sub-committee
  on Mine Reclamation Management Collaborative work on mine safety, underground
  communications, collision avoidance, data usage and access, and more!

Workshop participants will be engaged to draft pathways forward for progress in priority areas for collaborative guidelines and standards development identified during the GMSG workshop in Johannesburg last January. These priorities include:
- Standardization of Fleet Management Systems
- Common Operational Requirements
- Real Time Operational Management
- Access to Sustainable Community /Labour Relationship
- Medical Induction and PPE
- Global Ethical Environmental Mining Standards
- Mining Education and Professional Development

A key focus is on demonstration of the effectiveness of industry-wide collaboration to create solutions to drive positive change. Through facilitating a hub of collaboration, GMSG will focus on aligning projects across industry for more efficient advancement of operational excellence.

The workshop will end with a roundtable inviting participants to share information about other organizations, committees and projects doing similar or related work, towards increasing the cooperation and identifying further opportunities for advancement.

For programming enquiries, please contact Heather Ednie, Managing Director, Global Mining Standards and Guidelines Group at 


Wednesday - 20 August 2014

09:00-09:30    1. Overview of current GMSG projects and progress
Tim Skinner, GMSG Founding Chair
1.a. ISO: new developments for mining

09:30-10:30    2. CEEC (Coalition for Eco-Efficient Comminution)
Dr Lawrence Bbosa, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Minerals
                           Research, Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of
                           Cape Town

10:30-11:00        Morning Tea

11:00-12:00     3. Regional strategy: Southern Africa participation and
Jim Porter, Chair, SAIMM

12:00-13:00      4. Discussion: working sessions on Southern Africa
                              strategy and priority areas

13:00-14:00          Lunch

Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7 Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
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