Full name(s) and surname:
Zohreh Fakhraei
Principal Consultant: Mining Engineer and Project Manager at Sound Mining Projects (Pty) Ltd
What contribution do you see yourself making to the SAIMM and Council?
It is my intention to continue with my mentorship of mining industry professionals, particularly young women, with a focus on mining engineering, as this is my area of expertise.
In addition, I will actively continue to participate with my ongoing SAIMM’s Diversity and Inclusion in the Minerals Industry (DIMI) and Environmental, Social, Governance and Sustainability (ESGS) committees’ obligations.
Finally, I am committed to collaborating with the Gender Equity Alliance of the ESGS Committee to raise awareness about Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and the challenges that women encounter in the mining industry.
Interactions/activities that you currently participate in within the SAIMM (if applicable):
I currently hold the following positions:
• Council Member of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM);
• Member of the SAIMM DIMI committee; and
• Member of the SAIMM ESGS.
Pr. Eng., PMP, M.Sc. Eng. (Mining Engineer- Rock Mechanics), B.Sc. Eng. (Mining Engineer), MSIMM
Brief career history:
2013 to Current
Principal Consultant: Mining Engineering and Project Manager, Sound Mining, South Africa, engaging with various listed companies both locally and internationally, multiple commodity exposure. Compiling code-compliant studies, declaring Mineral/Ore Reserve statements, Competent Person Reports and other Feasibility Studies.
2005 to 2013
Director and Project Manager, AZMA Rock and Tunnel Engineers, Iran
2000 to 2006
Senior Rock Mechanics and Mining Engineer, Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers, Iran
1998 to 2002
Mining Engineer, Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers Co, Iran
Date and place of birth:
4 July 1976 – Tehran -Iran