The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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SAIMM Council Members

Full name(s) and surname:
ELISA JEANNE WALLS (Known name: Jeanne)

Principal Geotechnical – Anglo American

What contribution do you see yourself making to the SAIMM and Council? :

  • A developed industry network with extensive experience to bring grounded and contemporary input into the SAIMM mission and vision
  • Vested interest in the growth and service of the technical programmes committee (TPC - mining), with particular affiliation to SANCOT (Committee Chairperson), and SANIRE (Council Member for Organisational Liaison, and Examinations Portfolio support).
  • Vested interest in, and contribution to the portfolio of women and broad-based social diversity in mining and metallurgy (WiMM)
  • Vested interest in local knowledge development through contribution to journal and conference publications
  • Vested interest in the role that the SAIMM has to perform within the Southern African mining industry and globally at large.

Interactions/activities that you currently participate in within the SAIMM (if applicable):

  • SAIMM Council Member (2019 to present)
  • Committee member: DIMI (Diversity and Inclusion in the Mining Industry)
  • Chairperson: SANCOT (South African National Committee on Tunnelling)
  • SANIRE Council Member

MEng (2013) – Rock Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand
GDE (Mining) (2011) – University of the Witwatersrand
Chamber of Mines Advanced Certificate in Rock Mechanics (2010) – University of the Witwatersrand
BSc (Hons, Geophysics) (1998) – University of the Witwatersrand
BSc (Physics, Mathematics) (1996) – Stellenbosch University

Brief career history:
Principal Geotechnical Engineer – Anglo American / De Beers, 2020 (current)
Principal Geotechnical Engineer – Golder Associates, 2019 - 2020
Director and Principal Rock Engineering Consultant 2016 to 2019 – Jewal Geotechnical (Pty) Ltd Rock engineering consultant 2011–2016 – SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd
Rock engineering practitioner 2005-2011 – Anglo American Platinum
Mine seismologist 2002-2005 – Welkom, South Africa
Exploration geophysicist 2001-2002 – South Africa, Colombia (South America), Queensland (Australia)
Gold Fields bursary student 1994-1998 – Libanon Gold Mine

Date and place of birth:
24 March 1976 – Greytown, South Africa


Brigadier Stokes Memorial Award


In 1980 the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy instituted a prestigious award to commemorate Brigadier Stokes for his outstanding and unique contribution to the South African Mining Industry over a period of many years. This award consists of a Platinum medal. The award is made to an individual for the very highest achievement in the South African mining and metallurgical industry, and is not necessarily based on technical considerations.

Former Recipients
1980    H F Oppenheimer
1981    Dr W Bleloch
1982    Dr F G Hill
1983    Dr A Whillier (Postumously)
1984    Professor D G Krige
1985    Dr R E Robinson
1986    Professor M D G Salamon
1987    Dr T F Muller
1988    Dr W J (Wim) de Villiers
1989    Dr R A Plumbridge
1990    W G Boustred
1991    P du P Kruger
1992    E Pavitt
1993    Professor D A Pretorius
1994    Dr H Wagner
1995    Dr O K H Steffen
1996    B E Hersov
1997    D W Horsfall (Posthumously)
1998    B P Gilbertson
1999    L Boyd
2000    A H Mokken
2001    T L Gibbs
2002    J Ogilvie Thompson
2003    P V Cox
2004    H J Smith
2005    P Motsepe
2006    Prof G T van Rooyen

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