The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Full Name: Tanyaradzwa Benevolent Mapaire     

Position: Student

What contribution do you see yourself making to the Young Professionals Council and the SAIMM?:

  • Promoting YPC and providing a helping hand to further the various initiatives

Interaction/activities that you currently participate in within the SAIMM (if applicable):

  • Webinar attendee


  • BSc Mining Engineering (Wits)

  • MSc Mining Engineering – Digital Systems (in progress)

Brief career history:

  • In 2018, I started as a Junior Consulting Mining Engineer for POOGI Consultants at Royal Bafokeng Platinum then joined the rock engineering department as a Strata Control Observer. I then joined Vuuma Collaborations working as Business Scientist. In 2021, I joined AVA Solutions to work as Client Success Engineer and in 2022, I decided to enrol full time to study for my masters focusing on digital systems in the mining industry.

Date and place of birth:

Sunday 26 November 1995, Kadoma, Zimbabwe

Other industry body affiliations?


What are your views on the 4th industrial revolution?

It will enable people to be more human, however there are certain things we must get right for that to be a reality especially in an African context.

If you were a precious metal what would you be and why?

Gold. It is divine, it never lose its value and I hope to walk on the streets of gold one day

How do you think industry bodies such as the SAIMM can better equip young professionals such as yourself?

By providing a platform for young professionals to participate in the minerals sector.

How do you see young professionals making a significant change in the industry?

By bringing the energy and being collaborative in coming up with innovative ideas while putting people at the heart of any change

What gets you up in the morning?

Knowing there is still a purpose to fulfil over my life and I am going to have fun doing it.

Social media links or information:

Useful Links

mineral resources