Full Name: Madimetja Antony Mello
Position: Business Scientist
What contribution do you see yourself making to the Young Professionals Council and the SAIMM?:
I have a love for problem-solving, innovation, and making a meaningful impact on the minerals industry. This together with my passion for people and collaboration, will drive me to contribute positively to aid the SAIMM achieve its main objectives. I will look to push the boundaries of what has always been done to help shape a new future for the organisation.
Interaction/activities that you currently participate in within the SAIMM (if applicable):
- Chairperson of the YPC
- YPC Office Bearer
- Chair of the Mentoring Committee
- Committee member on multiple conference organising committees
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PDM)
Bachelor of Technology in Extraction Metallurgy (BTech)
Brief career history:
After completing my undergraduate degree, I spent five years as a Metallurgical Engineer responsible for the core production processes as well as improvement strategies, systems and initiatives for one of the country’s biggest gold producers, AngloGold Ashanti. I went on to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Management before registering for an MBA full-time in 2017. My current engagement is as a Business Scientist with Vuuma Collaborations; focusing on applying systems thinking methodology to maximise the Operational Systems Capability of business operations. This is where I have also been involved in building an experiential simulation centre called The SiMINE Campus.
Date and place of birth:
March 4 1989, Mokopane (Limpopo)
Other industry body affiliations?
What are your views on the 4th industrial revolution?
The 4IR is well underway in most of the developed world and will inevitably rapidly gain momentum in the rest of the world, including Southern Africa. The potential impact on business productively is undoubtably huge and incomprehensible. As a society we need to ensure that as the 4IR gets a grip on the world, we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past and leave a vast majority of people feeling marginalised. The 4IR should bring with it better ways to build a more inclusive and cohesive society.
If you were a precious metal what would you be and why?
Platinum. The wide variety of applications this metal has is something I aspire to in my personal life. These applications have evolved over time and there are already new future applications identified for the metal. I relate to this because I make an effort to improve myself by learning new skills and developing capabilities in areas that will make me future fit.
How do you think industry bodies such as the SAIMM can better equip young professionals such as yourself?
- By initiating and stimulating more conversations on how young professionals in the industry can adapt to the ever-evolving environment in which they operate.
- Connecting young professionals with industry leaders who can provide mentorship and coaching.
- Providing information and skills and capability development on cutting-edge technologies, including those from other industries, that have the potential to effectively change the industry.
How do you see young professionals making a significant change in the industry?
Leading the conversations on innovation and coming up with new ideas on how these apply to the minerals industry. This can only be achieved if young professionals are afforded conducive environments where their thinking will not be hampered by archaic mindsets.
What gets you up in the morning?
Knowing that no matter how small my contribution to the world may seem, my presence on earth plays a role in the grand scheme of things.
Social media links or information:
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/antonymello
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MelloMadimetja