The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) started as a learned society in 1894 after the invention of the cyanide process that saved the South African gold mining industry of the day. This 125-year-old professional body enjoys both local and international links aimed at disseminating knowledge and assisting our members source information regarding technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors. The overarching objective is to ensure that our engineers remain relevant and are able to continue developing professionally as they progress in their respective careers. They are also guided by a professional code of ethics that ensures reciprocity with similar bodies around the globe. This allows us to collaborate on global initiatives and to influence policy that directly affects our industry. The SAIMM also actively participates in promoting and meeting industry-related obligations to various communities and the environment. This is consistent with the SAIMM’s Constitution.
The Institute is committed to:
- Render professional services of high quality to its members and to continually improve these services by keeping abreast of technological developments;
- Apply professional ethics in all its activities and encourage members to follow suit;
- Fulfil its obligations towards the community and the environment;
- Continually strengthen its image as a dynamic organization by playing a leading role in the initiation and implementation of new ideas and by organizing events around topical themes;
- Diligently promote the interests of its members and to represent them in a competent manner;
- Bring the mining and metallurgical fraternity, research and education personnel, and students, together in one organization; and
- Judiciously anticipate the needs of members.
This commitment assists in ensuring that the needs for technological and scientific knowledge of the minerals and metals sectors in South Africa
The key objectives of the Institute are to identify the needs of its members and to initiate and give effect to the means whereby the requirements for technology and scientific knowledge of the minerals and metals section of the South African economy are satisfied; and furthermore to represent and promote the interests of its members.
- Receiving a bi-monthly Journal with a balanced content and of a high standard which serves as a communication medium to keep members informed on matters relating to their professional interests.
- The opportunity to attend congresses, symposia, colloquia, schools and discussion groups at competitive prices. Members attend such events at a discount.
- Participation in technical excursions and social events which creates further opportunities for inter-active professional association and fellowship.
- To make a contribution to the minerals industry in South Africa.
- The opportunity to network with a wide cross-section of professional people in the minerals industry.
- Official recognition of achievements.
The SAIMM actively supports the establishment and maintenance of branches of the SAIMM in Southern Africa to satisfy the local needs of members for professional association and the exchange of technical information. Branches presently exist in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Zululand, Western Cape, Bushveld, Mpumalanga, the Free State, Zambia and Namibia.
Branches form the ideal vehicle for all members of the SAIMM in a particular area to be brought together to participate in the affairs of their profession and to further the interests of the mining and metallurgical sectors. Newly graduated members, in particular, derive substantial benefits through close personal contact and an exchange of ideas with the more seasoned members of their profession residing in the same area. In order to ensure strong and dynamic branches, branch members actively canvass new members in their area with a view to obtaining maximum membership. Members are encouraged to become actively involved in the affairs of their branches.
The branch meeting is a forum by which inter-disciplinary contact of interested parties within the mining, minerals, and metals industry can take place. Communication between mechanical, electrical, metallurgical, and mining engineering and other branches of science and disciplines is thus stimulated, and opportunities are created to improve the industry for each and every member.
During the annual general meeting of a branch, its members residing within the area elect a committee to run the affairs of the branch.
The purpose of the committee is to meet the needs of members by formulating programs, and organizing schools, conferences, technical meetings, colloquia, technical visits, and social functions for the benefit of its branch members.
Meetings usually feature guest speakers and afford ample opportunity for informal fellowship. Technical visits are undertaken to sectors of the mining and metallurgical industry or to research institutions. Colloquia and schools on relevant topics are arranged in conjunction with the Technical Program Committee operating from the SAIMM's national office.
Branches actively support programs arranged by the Council and the other branches of the SAIMM. Each branch chairperson serves on the Council in order to ensure open channels of communication between branches and Council members on relevant topics and developments. To strengthen its links with Council, and to contribute towards an overview of the SAIMM's total sphere of activities, branches report to the SAIMM's head office on a regular basis regarding meetings, conferences, finances, membership, and future projects.
Branch committees also liaise with related outside technical societies within their areas to promote close contact, technology transfer, and the exchange of skills.
Definition of the Crest – Coat of Arms
The Parts of an Achievement of Arms and Their Significance
The arms under consideration comprise separate parts, viz., Shield, Helm, Mantling, Crest, Supporters, Compartment and Motto.
The Shield: This is in blue divided by a golden chevron, to represent the major sections of the industry. The flaming crucibles in the upper section represent Metallurgy and the crossed pick and shovel in the lower section represent Mining.
The Helm: This is an Esquire’s Helmet, which is the customary type of use for the arms of corporate bodies.
The Wreath and the Mantling: These are always in the two main ‘colours’ of the shield, in this case gold as a metal and blue as the colour. The mantling was originally a short cloak draped from the helmet as a protection against the sun and the wreath helped to hold the crest in place.
The Crest: This served as an additional mark of distinction. In this case the demi-lion represents strength and holds the national flower of South Africa in his left Claw.
The Supporters: In this case heraldic beasts have been chosen, symbols of these ancient professions, the black lion representing mining and the golden dragon representing metallurgy. The ‘different’ marks on their shoulders are carried over from the shield of the Chemical, Mining and Metallurgical Society, and their colours and the diamonds in their collars are intended to represent the main field of Mining in South Africa, namely gold, coal and diamonds.
The Compartments: This is appropriately, an outcrop of rock.
The Motto: ‘Capaci Occasio’ has been taken over from the Institute’s predecessor, the Chemical, Mining and Metallurgical Society with the exhortation, ‘to the capable the opportunity’.