The Symposium Series
- S1 Mathematical Statistics and Computer Applications in Ole Valuation (1966)
- S2 Planning Open Pit Mines (1970) (4th imp ) Edited by P W J van Rensburg
- S3 Application of Computer Methods in the Mineral Industry (APCOM 1973) Edited by M D G Salamon
- S4 Infacon 1974 Edited by H W Glen
- S5 Proceedings of the 12th CMMI Congress 2 volumes (1982) Edited by HW Glen
- S6 Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines (1984) Edited by N C Gay and E H Wainwright
- S7 The Planning and Operation of Open Pit and Strip Mines (1986) Edited by I P Deetlef
- S8 GOLD 100: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gold (1986)
Volume 1: Gold Mining Technology Edited by H Wagnei and R P King
Volume 2: Extractive Metallurgy of Gold Edited by C E Fivaz and R P King
Volume 3: Industrial Uses of Gold Edited by G Gafner and R P King - S9 APCOM 87: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Symposium on the
Application of Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral Industries (1987)
Volume 1: Mining Edited by L Wade, R W 0 Keisten and I R Culland
Volume 2: Metallurgy Edited by R P King and I J Barkci
Volume 3: Geostatistics Edited by I C Lemmer H Schaum and F A G M Camisani-CalzolaiiS 10 International Deep Mining Conference (1990)
Volume 1: Innovations in Metallurgical Plant Edited by G A Brown and P Smith and Application of Materials Engineering in the Mining Industry Edited by B Metcalfe
Volume 2: Technical Challenges in Deep Level Mining Edited by D A I Ross-Watt and P D K Robinson - S11 Infacon 6 (Incorporating Incsac) (1992) EditedbyHW Glen
- S12 Massmin 92 Edited by H W Glen (out of pliat)
- S13 Mineflll 93 Edited by H W Glen
- S14 XVth CMMI Congress Publications (1994)
Volume 1: Mining Edited by H W Glen
Volume 2: Metals Technology and Extractive Metallurgy (1994) Edited by H W Glen - S15 Sur face Mining 1996 Edited by H W Glen
- S16 Hidden Wealth (1996) EditedbyHW GJen
- S17 Heavy Minerals 1997 Edited by R E Robinson
- S18 The 8th International Platinum Symposium (1998)
- S19 Mining in Africa'98
- S20 Extraction Metallurgy Africa '98
- S21 Sixth International Symposium for Rock Fragmentation by Blasting (1999)
- S22 Metallurgy Africa '99
- S23 Heavy Minerals 1999 Edited by R G Stimson
- S24 Tunnels under Pressure Technical Edited by I R Stacey
- S25 Mine Hoisting 2000
- S26 Coal -The Future (2000)
- S27 The Fifth International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines (RaSiin 5) (2001)
- S28 6th International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation (2001)
- S29 XIV International Coal Preparation Congress and Exhibition
- S30 Surface Mining 2002—Modern Developments for the New Millennium
- S31 IFSA 2002, Industrial Fluidization South Africa
- S31A APCOM 2003—Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries
- S32 ISSA/Chamber of Mines Conference—Mines and Quarries: Prevention of Occupational Injury and Disease
- S33 ISRM— Technology Roadmap for Rock Mechanics
- S34 Heavy Minerals Conference 2003
- S35 Safety in Mines Research Institutes (2003)
- S36 VII International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes & Salts (2004)
Tenth International Ferroalloys Congress INFACONX 2004 - S37 Deep and high stress mining 2004
- S38 'Platinum adding value' 2004
- S39 Base Metals—Southern Africa's response to changing global base metals market dynamics 2005
- S40 Strategic versus Tactical approaches in mining 2005
- S41 Best practices in rock engineering SARES 2005
- S42 IFSA 2005 (Mintek)
- S43 Southern African Pyrometallurgy 2006 International Conference
- S44 Stability of rock slopes in open pit mining and civil engineering situations
- S45 'Platinum Surges Ahead' 2006
- S46 Hydraulic Transport of Solids - Hydrotransport 17 (2007)
- S47 Fourth Southern Afr ican Base Metals Conference 'Africa's base metals resurgence'
- S48 Heavy Minerals Conference, 2007
- S49 Cave Mining Conference, 2007
- S 50 International Symposium on Lead and Zinc processing - Lead & Zinc 2008
The Monograph Series
- MI Lognormal-De Wrjsian Geostatistics for Ore Evaluation
(2nd ed 1981) DGKiige - M2 An Introduction to Geostatistical Methods of Mineral Evaluation
(2nd ed 1981)1-MM Rendu - M3 Principles of Flotation
(1982) (3rd imp 1986) Edited by R P. King - M4 Increased Under ground Extr action of Coal
(1982) Edited by C I. Fauconrnei and R W 0 Kersten - M5 Rock Mechanics in Mining Practice
(1983)(3idimp 1986) Edited by S Budavaii - M6 Assay and Analytical Practice in the South African Mining Industry
(1986) WC LenahanandR de L Murray-Smith - M7 The Extractive Metallurgy of Gold in South Africa,
2 volumes (1987) Edited by G G Stanley - M8 Mineral and Metal Extraction — An Overview
(1994) LC Woollacott and R H Eiic - M9 Rock Fracture and Rockbursts—an illustrative study
(1997) Edited by WD Oitlepp
The Special Publication Series
- SP1 Proceedings, Underground Transport Symposium (1986) Edited by R C R Edgar
- SP2 Backfill in South African Mines (1988)
- SP3 Treatment and Re-use of Water in the Minerals Industry (1989)
- SP4 COREX Symposium 1990 (1990) Edited by H M W Delport and P T. Holaschke
- SP5 Measurement, Control, and Optimization in Mineral Processing (1994) Edited by HW Glen
- SP6 Handbook on Hard-Rock Strata Control (1994) A J S Spearing
- SP7 Rock Engineering for underground coal mining (2002) J Nielen van der Meiwe and Bernard J Madden
- SP8 Second Edition: Rock Engineering for underground coal mining (2010) J. Nielen van der Merwe and Bernard J. Madden
- SP9 Theoretical Rock Mechanics for Professional Practice (2016) Matthew Handley
- SP10 Johanannesburg and its Holey Mining Heritage by T.R. Stacey 2021
- SP11 Mineral and Metal Extraction - An Overview 2nd Edition by L.C. Woollacott and R.H. Eric 2021
- SP12 The Fall of a Giant: The story of the disintegration of the South African Mining Industry by Dr I. Robinson 2022-2023
- SP13 COMRO’s Legacy: Research and Development of Stoping Mining Machinery and Technologies by B. Protheroe 2023
The Metals and Minerals Industry in South Africa - Part 1 (1989) Edited by HW Glen