The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Mineral Economic Division

MED - SAIMM Holding Statement

The debate around nationalisation in South Africa is a high profile and emotive one, and there is a degree of confusion among many of the stakeholders as to the key issues. This has led to significant uncertainty amongst inter alia, the investment community and the mining industry itself. It has arguably affected investment into and confidence in the South African minerals sector.

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) has compiled a body of non-partisan information on the issues around the general debate on resource nationalism, and the specific objectives of state participation in the mining and metals industry in South Africa. The team of local and international researchers contributing to the study was selected on the basis of their expertise and professional neutrality. The intention is to add clarity to the disparity of views currently being expressed and the need for information to be made available from a non-advocacy perspective to provide a common basis for discussion. The SAIMM's aim is for the body of research information to inform and contribute towards an interest-based outcome rather than a position-based dispute on how the state can participate in the mining industry to serve the best interests of its people while maintaining a healthy, well-functioning and profitable industry.

A panel discussion was held on Monday 6 February in Cape Town. The session focussed on the efficacy of an independently facilitated multi-stakeholder dialogue on the nature and extent of state participation in the mining sector. The aim was to engage stakeholders from all interest groups. The full body of research along the outcomes of these discussions and other relevant documentation will be made available on a special knowledge platform on the SAIMM website under the Mineral Economics page in due course.