The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Application Process removebg previewMembership guideline

Don’t miss out on the benefits, discount and networking opportunities that are provided to The SAIMM members, sign up for your membership today. Here is a guideline to assist you in the process of joining your Institute.

Qualification Requirements

A candidate for admission to or transfer into the category of FELLOW shall:

  • Be at least 35 years of age.
  • Have, for a period of at least five years, been practising in a senior technical position in mining or metallurgical undertakings, or in governmental, educational or research organisations concerned with those industries; or
  • Have, for a period of at least five years, been practising as a consultant in the skills of mining and metallurgy, and;
  • Be practising his/her profession at the time of application, satisfy Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become a Fellow, and Council shall be satisfied that his/her qualifications, training and technical experience justify such professional status, and;
  • Have been a Member of good standing for five years and have promoted the interests of the SAIMM.

A candidate for admission to or transfer into the category of MEMBER shall:

  • Be in possession of a tertiary qualification relevant to the minerals or associated industries,
    Have two years relevant working experience post qualification, or;
  • Be in possession of a valid relevant Government Certificate of Competence; and five years working experience in the relevant minerals or associated industries and;
  • Be practising in his/her profession at the time of his/her application; satisfy council that he/she is a fit person to become a Member and council shall be satisfied that his/her qualification, training and technical experience justifies such professional status, and;
  • Has obtained a signature of both proposer and supporter (who are either a Member or a Fellow of the Institute)

A candidate for admission into the category of ASSOCIATE shall:

  • Be at least 18 years of age, and
  • Be involved in minerals and metals industry undertakings or in governmental, service, educational or research organisations concerned with those industries, but not meet requirements to be registered as a Corporate member.
  • Satisfy Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become an Associate member.

A candidate for admission into the category of STUDENT MEMBER shall:

  • Be a person, in the 3rd or further year of being educated or trained in a manner approved by   Council to occupy a technical position or associated with the minerals or metals industries.
  • Satisfy Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become a Student member.
  • Remain a Student member only while he/she is being educated in a manner approved by Council.
  • Confirm their membership at the beginning of each academic year by submitting proof of registration at their applicable tertiary institution. Failure to submit proof of registration will result in the termination of their membership.
  • Not remain a Student member after the end of the INSTITUTE’s financial year in which he/she attains the age of 28 years. Council may relax the provisions of this clause in such cases as it considers appropriate.

Membership Fees

Member Grade
Fees 23/ 24
Fees 23/ 24
Member *
Fees 24/25
Fees 24/25
Member *
Member R1 717.00 R1 717.00 R1 820.00 R1 820.00
Associate R1 538.00 R1 538.00 R1 630.00 R1 630.00
Fellow R1 717.00 1 717.00 R1 900.00 R1 900.00
Retired fellow R175.00 R175.00 R175.00 R175.00
Retired Members R175.00 R175.00 R175.00 R175.00
Company Affiliate R7 050.00 R7 050.00 R7 475.00 R7 475.00
Students Free Free Free Free
Honorary Life Fellow No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge
Honorary Fellow No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge

* VAT is not charged on these prices.

As per By-Law A2.5 Retired Fellows and Members shall be persons who are at least 60 (sixty) years of age and who have bona fide retired from active business and have retained membership at a reduced subscription providing he/she has been a member for at least 10 (ten) years.

Retired Members and Fellows who have been in good standing with the Institute for at least 20 years and are over the age of 65 qualify for free retired membership with the Institute.

Please note the following in respect of payment of membership fees:

  • Payment of membership fees remains the responsibility of the individual member even if the fees are to be paid by the company.
  • Your account number/membership number must be used as a reference and the proof of payment or remittance advice must be sent to
  • We do not issue Order Numbers. However, your organisation may issue an Order Number to us if they are paying, which may be attached to the invoice.
  • Credit card and PayGate payments remain the most efficient and secure method of settling your account.

Election Guidelines

Election of Fellow, Member, Associate
The election or transfer of candidates to any category of membership of the INSTITUTE, other than Student or Company Affiliate, shall be proposed or seconded by Corporate members (Members or Fellows) having personal knowledge of the candidate’s character, qualifications and experience.
Please note that a copy of all certificates must be submitted in support of the application form.

Election of Student
A candidate for election as a Student member shall be recommended by his/her Professor or a Senior Lecturer of his/her Institution of tertiary education and the application shall be made on the form prescribed from time to time by the Council.

Election of Company Affiliates
Companies involved in or associated with the mining or metallurgical industries are eligible to become Company Affiliates.
Company Affiliates pay up front.

pagesMembership Application

Apply for SAIMM Membership

Why become a member


WE CONVENE, we provide a sound platform for collaborative networking.

WE ENGAGE, we broaden our members’ networks through engagement forums with technical peers.

WE INFORM, we keep our members informed of technological and sustainability issues and developments by making relevant information available.

WE EDUCATE, we offer accredited continuous professional development (CPD) and education programmes targeted at our members’ commodity and geographic contexts.

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