The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Committee members
Jeanne Walls Chairperson | Chairperson: SANCOT 2023 Symposium
Gerhard Keyter Immediate Past Chairperson
Charles Warren-Codrington Vice-Chairperson
  SAIMM Secretariat
Moipone Mkhize
Dr Hein Jantzen Membership & Constitutional Matters
Prishalan Naidoo Treasurer
Monique Wainstein Technical Talks & Year-End Function
- vacant - Publications
Nkosi (Lucky) Nene YPF
Fernando Pequenino Sponsorship & Marketing (incl. SAIMM webpage, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
Charles Warren‑Codrington Liaison: SAICE Geotechnical Division | Chairperson: WTC 2026 Bid
Ryan Freese Liaison: SAIEG
Ben Swarts Liaison: Mining
William Joughin Liaison: SAIMM
Obakeng Rakumakoe Liaison: SANIRE
Monyake Mohlabane Lesotho Highlands representative



The SA National Council on Tunnelling (SANCOT) was formed in 1973, and very soon after that, in 1974, became one of the founding members of the International Tunnelling Association (ITA). SANCOT has been represented at most ITA General Assemblies since its inauguration, with Nick Chittenden representing SANCOT in September 2022 at the ITA General Assembly in Copenhagen. SANCOT has also organised many regional symposia and conferences over the years, and arranged site visits to various tunnelling and underground construction sites.

In 2003, SANCOT became a Committee, operating as an interest group under the umbrella of the SAIMM. The Committee comprises volunteers who meet regularly to collate information on both civil and mining tunnelling in South Africa and to organise conferences, site visits, colloquia and symposia such as the recent Stellenbosch symposium titled ‘Tunnel boring in civil engineering & mining’ which included a technical visit to the North Bore of the Huguenot Tunnel on the N1 between Paarl and Dutoitskloof.

SANCOT membership is free, and to join so that you can regularly receive ITA and SANCOT correspondence, is very easy: Just email the SAIMM Secretariat at with a request to add your email address to the SANCOT mailing list.

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