The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Buhle Xakalashe 03122022 Buhle Xakalashe (Chairperson) Steven Rupprecht 24012024 Steven Rupprecht
dimiplaceholder Carol Taylor Zelmia Botha 03122022 Zelmia Botha
dimiplaceholder Daisy Matlou Zohreh Fakhraei 21032023 Zohreh Fakhraei
Kabelo Rathobei 03122022 Jeanne Walls (Co-chairperson) Kondwani Banda 03122022 Kondwani Banda
Kabelo Rathobei 03122022 Kabelo Rathobei dimiplaceholder Raksha Naidoo
Nthati Monei 24012024 Nthati Monei dimiplaceholder Maria Combrink
Selo Ndlovu 03122022 Sehliselo Ndlovu Mark Craig Munroe 03122022  Mark Munroe
dimiplaceholder Awelani Moila    

Terms of Reference for the Diversity and Inclusion in the Minerals Industry committee

The SAIMM committee on Diversity and Inclusion in the Minerals Industry will seek to advance diversity (gender, ethnicity, religion and or other diversifying factors) and inclusion in the industry through initiatives and activities that address the professional needs and aspirations of persons actively pursuing a career in the minerals industry. The committee will serve as a community that promotes awareness to the industry on the importance of valuing and including the contributions brought by all diverse individuals.

The committee will:

  • actively explore ways that can encourage awareness on issues of diversity and inclusion in the minerals industry;
  • engage with SAIMM members to encourage diversity and inclusion in SAIMM activities;
  • serve as a forum for the discussion of specific issues facing diversity and inclusion in the minerals industry.
  • Promote awareness of gender challenges in the minerals industry

The committee aims to achieve the above professionally through sharing of knowledge and learning via activities such as presentation of technical papers at conferences, seminars, and running of workshops. The activities will also include students at universities.

Dated 14 August 2023

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DIMI stories

  • What Diversity and Inclusion Means to Me

    What Diversity and Inclusion Means to Me

    Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance. – Verna Myers When I was a child and someone would ask me what I wanted to be in future, I could not answer their question. You see, SEE MORE
  • What Diversity and Inclusion means to me

    What Diversity and Inclusion means to me

    ’Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.’ —Mahatma Gandhi Like a body with many parts, connected and made to function in multiple diverse ways, yet as one, so is the SEE MORE
  • What diversity and inclusion mean to me

    What diversity and inclusion mean to me

    By Kabelo Rathobei Diversity and inclusion are about acknowledging different stakeholders that contribute to the growth of the mining industry. It’s about respecting, valuing, and realizing the unique roles that they all play in achieving a socially, environmentally, and economically SEE MORE
  • What Diversity and Inclusion means to me?

    What Diversity and Inclusion means to me?

    We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” — Jimmy Carter Diversity and inclusion to me is more than policies, programmes, quotas or political correctness. It is about SEE MORE
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