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Zohreh Fakhraei 01062022Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.
– Verna Myers

When I was a child and someone would ask me what I wanted to be in future, I could not answer their question. You see, I wanted to be a pilot and, in my country, women were not allowed to be pilots. As a teenager, I remember crying because I was born a girl and I would never have the chance to be a soccer player in our national team.

Yet, I was lucky to be one of the first female mining engineers to graduate 20 years after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. I had finally been ‘invited to the party’, but I still needed to fight for the opportunity to dance.

My journey as a female mining engineer was exciting but I have had to constantly stand up for my rights, position, and a fair income. I needed to prove that my ability is no different from that of any other mining engineer. I wanted to succeed, not only for myself but also for future female mining engineers.

For me the concept of Diversity and Inclusion is important for all people regardless of their gender, race, culture, religion, and age. They should be able to dream and be allowed the opportunity to follow it. No one should encounter prejudice or have to fight for their basic rights. Everyone should be equally heard, seen, and respected.

I believe, that every single one of us in the mining industry has the responsibility to make this happen. We need to strive for a diverse and inclusive working environment which will result in an industry that is more innovative and productive when it comes to the business of mining.

Zohreh Fakhraei
Principal Consultant: Mining

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DIMI stories

  • What Diversity and Inclusion Means to Me

    What Diversity and Inclusion Means to Me

    Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance. – Verna Myers When I was a child and someone would ask me what I wanted to be in future, I could not answer their question. You see, SEE MORE
  • What Diversity and Inclusion means to me

    What Diversity and Inclusion means to me

    ’Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.’ —Mahatma Gandhi Like a body with many parts, connected and made to function in multiple diverse ways, yet as one, so is the SEE MORE
  • What diversity and inclusion mean to me

    What diversity and inclusion mean to me

    By Kabelo Rathobei Diversity and inclusion are about acknowledging different stakeholders that contribute to the growth of the mining industry. It’s about respecting, valuing, and realizing the unique roles that they all play in achieving a socially, environmentally, and economically SEE MORE
  • What Diversity and Inclusion means to me?

    What Diversity and Inclusion means to me?

    We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” — Jimmy Carter Diversity and inclusion to me is more than policies, programmes, quotas or political correctness. It is about SEE MORE
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