The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Tunnel and Raise Boring : SANCOT

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              Tunnel boring is now a widely adopted method of excavating tunnels in the civil construction industry but is still rarely used in mining applications. This seminar will provide the delegate with valuable insights in terms of both the management and the application of all of these technologies.

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              Thorium Conference


                      South Africa has vast resources of thorium in beach sands and hard rock deposits. Aside from its abundance, thorium has the advantage of generating 10% of the waste generated by conventional uranium-based reactors.
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                      SAIMM Events

                      eventsfrontThe SAIMM conferences and symposia on offer to members of the SAIMM deliver information and networking opportunities that meet the needs of the SAIMM member audience. Specifically in terms of knowledge-gain/transfer needs; promotion of the industry in a positive light and creating room for inter-action with one’s peer group.

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