The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Market News

PRESS RELEASE: Refurbishment is ideal to ‘sweat’ minerals-processing assets

MIP 2MIP Process Technologies Managing Director Philip Hoff
MIP 3Linear screens are a minerals-processing staple that lends itself to refurbishment.
MIP 1MIP refurbished two 45.7-m-diameter thickener mechanisms for a gold mine

6 March 2018: A change in focus in the local mining industry from Greenfield to Brownfield projects has meant that MIP Process Technologies is positioned ideally to modernise older thickeners and process equipment.

There is an increasing trend in the minerals-processing industry to ‘sweat’ mining assets, Managing Director Philip Hoff comments. “Many South African minerals-processing plants contain outdated equipment that can be revitalised at minimal cost. Better throughputs and higher efficiencies can be achieved reliably with newer technology.”


The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) is inviting Expressions of Interest from engineering specialists interested in serving on the  Panel of Experts for  Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.
Specialists in the design and construction of major bridges, concrete faced rockfill dams, tunneling and tunnel structures for water and hydropower projects; geology and geotechnical engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering for water and hydropower projects, and construction and contract law for major civil engineering projects are invited to respond to the advertisement published on the LHDA Phase II website at  :
Applications close on 19 March 2018.

The rise of the machines and the people behind them - How Anglo American’s Kumba Iron Ore is changing mining

Four years ago, Leigh Ann Booysen worked grueling shifts at Kumba’s Kolomela iron ore mine as a drill operator. That meant sitting on a truck-sized drilling machine in an iron ore pit for eight hours, drilling holes for explosives before blasting. Today, she proudly boasts to her family that she works an office job – and yet, she’s never drilled more, or better, holes in her life.

Leigh Ann is at the forefront of a technology revolution that is changing the face of Kumba’s operations – and indeed, the entire iron ore mining industry. She is now one of a team responsible for operating Kumba’s fleet of automated drilling machines from a safe, air-conditioned control centre next to the mine’s offices.

GMSG Announces New Incoming Chair, Michelle Ash

Appointment will help GMSG extend its reach in emerging global mining powerhousesgmsg 2018

MONTREAL, QC (Feb. 20, 2018) – Global Mining Standards and Guidelines Group (GMSG) announced today that Michelle Ash, Barrick Gold Corporation’s Chief Innovation Officer, will become the new Chair of GMSG in May 2018.

“The success of the mining industry is dependent on continued collaboration and innovation,” says Ash. “So when I was asked to become Chair of GMSG, whose work on collaboration and alignment is absolutely vital to the mining industry, I was both honoured and delighted.”

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