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Practical Geometallurgy Workshop

Date 06 August 2018
- 06 August 2018
Lagoon Beach Conference Centre, Cape Town
1 Lagoon Gate Drive, Milnerton, Kaapstad, 7441, South Africa
Lagoon Beach Conference Centre, Cape Town
We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Practical Geometallurgy Workshop

An interactive workshop on ore to metals optimization that demonstrates the application of geometallurgy

6 August 2018
Lagoon Beach Conference Venue, Cape Town, South Africa

Download: Geometallurgy Workshop 02052018.pdf

The optimization of the minerals value chain is a holistic approach towards more economically and environmentally sustainable operations.

The concept is based on value creation over the whole mining and mineral processing chain.

Ore to metals optimization combines the use of mineralogical data, geometallurgical modelling and powerful advanced process simulation from minerals to final payable metal. The optimization uses detailed geometallurgical characterization of the ore domains, and concentrator plant models integrated as a digital plant that simulates the kinetic behavior of mineral particles in beneficiation processes for each ore types and plant operating scenarios.

This interactive workshop provides insight into the advanced use of Outotec’s HSC Chemistry software modules with some hands-on practical case examples. These exercises include the use of the HSC Chemistry modules and mineral database that carry out functions such as; element-to-mineral conversion, and ore type-based concentrator simulations integrated with Net Smelter Return and Operating Cost calculations.

This workshop is limited to 30 participants, on a first come first serve basis.

Workshop Presenters

Jussi LiipoDr Jussi Liipo
Chief Mineralogist, MAusIMM (CP), Outotec Research Center, Finland
Jussi is an experienced Process Mineralogist with a demonstrated record of over 20 years in the mining and metals industry. Jussi holds Ph.D. degree from the University of Oulu, Finland.

Antti RemesDr Antti Remes
Technology Advisor – Process Modeling and Simulation, Outotec, Finland
Antti has been working with mineral processing applications for more than 15 years. His special profession is flotation modelling and plant design. He is one of the scientific advisors and developers behind the HSC Sim process modeling software. Antti holds Ph.D. degree from the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.