The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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5th Strategic Versus Tactical 2014 Seminar

Date 07 May 2014
- 08 May 2014
Location Misty Hills Conference Centre, Muldersdrift, Cradle of Humankind, Johannesburg
We are no longer accepting registration for this event
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Under the auspices of the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, the Australian Centre for Geomechanics and the University of Toronto

5th International Seminar on

Strategic versus Tactical

07 - 08 May 2014 | Misty Hills, Muldersdrift, Gauteng

Mining is a major generator of wealth in many countries, and the products from mining are essential to the development of modern society. Mining is a longterm business and most mining companies regularly carry out strategic planning exercises€”some even carry out scenario planning. All mining operations carry out tactical planning, whether formal or informal. Vision is what drives strategy and strategy drives tactical planning. In many mining operations the focus is on tactical planning, and vision, with its concurrent strategy, is not normally considered a requirement of mine management.

However, without the integration of vision, strategy and tactical planning, we operate in an environment that is encapsulated by 'if we do today what we did yesterday, why should we expect tomorrow to be different?'

Our aim in organising this international seminar is to draw attention to the importance of both strategic and tactical approaches in mining. The main theme of the event will be, 'How we can achieve competitiveness in the mining industry in the long term?'

Strategic 2014 is the fifth seminar in the series, organised under the auspices of the University of the Witwatersrand, the Australian Centre for Geomechanics and the University of Toronto. Previous seminars have been held in Johannesburg, Perth, Quebec City and Perth again. From the seminar proceedings it should be possible to capture up to date information from each of the three countries, and other mining countries as well.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact the Conference Coordinator

Raymond van der Berg
Conference Co-ordinator
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923

The objective of the seminar is to bring together mining executives, mining operations personnel, government personnel, planners, specialists in various relevant fields,
bankers and financiers, and market and investment analysts.

The aim will be to cover at least three areas.

- Firstly, information on the following: mining companies' strategic planning activities; 
  financing, banking and market attitudes to the importance of strategic planning and
  the consequent results; and the addressing of shareholder interests.

- Secondly case studies in which it has been proven that value has been added by
  taking a longer term view rather than a cost cutting approach (the benefit is expected
  to be in billions in any of the three countries' currencies).

- Thirdly, case studies that demonstrate potential benefits of a similar nature.

Who should attend
- Mining executives
- Mining analysts
- Financiers and bankers
- Health and safety personnel
- Mining, metallurgical and mine engineering management
- Mining, metallurgical and mine engineering operations personnel
- Mine planning personnel
- Mineral resource managers
- Geology and Exploration personnel
- Project personnel
- Project managers
- Technical services managers and personnel
- Consultants
- Contractors
- Researchers
- Mining and metallurgical equipment suppliers

Contributions are invited on topics such as:

- Strategic planning
- Strategic mine planning
- Optimization
- Risk management
- Technology and innovation
- Information management
- Mechanization
- Economic optimization
- Productivity

Registration Fees

  Registration before
11 February 2014
Registration After
11 February 2014
Registration Fee: Author R 7 500 R 7 500
Registration Fee: SAIMM Members       R 7 500   R 7 999        
Registration Fee: Non-SAIMM Members  R 8 500 R 8 999
Registration Fee: Students/ Retired Members  R 2 500 R 2 500

Please note:
- Non-members are entitled to free membership of the SAIMM, up to 30 June 2014,
   for attending this event
- Registration fee does not include accommodation
- Prepayment is required for all Registration Fees on or before the date of the event.
- Delegates who have not paid will not be permitted to attend the event


Please Note: Registration fee does not includes accommodation

Key Dates

07-08 May 2014           Conference

Call for papers
The Conference is being organised by The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and papers are invited for the Conference.

Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers, in English. The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:

Raymond van der Berg
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923

Raymond van der Berh
Head of Conferencing
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923