Date | 18 July 2011 |
- | 21 July 2011 |
18-20 July 2011 Conference
21 July 2011 Technical Visit: Palabora Mining Company
22 July 2011 Technical Visit: Nkomati Mine
The Sixth Southern African Base Metals conference, is to be held in Phalaborwa on 18-20 July 2011.
This conference follows on from the previous Base Metals conferences held in the Southern African region.
The sixth event is scheduled to take place in Phalaborwa, South Africa, over three days, followed by two days of technical tours. Tours already include the Palabora Mining Company and may include Nkomati Mine. The Base Metals market is gaining momentum and Africa must build on this progress in terms of its new operations in order to play an integral role in the international Base Metals community.
The aim of the conference is to explore what will maintain and contribute to the growth of the base metals€™ momentum in Africa in terms of geology, mining and metallurgy.
The theme will encompass how the base metals industry in Africa has harnessed the potential for growth through research, innovative thinking, new ways of operating and project implementation. The conference will also focus on the value of mineralogy and energy saving innovations in the base metals industry.
From a merger and acquisition point of view the transfer of large zinc assets in the Southern African region will be discussed. For international participants, this conference presents an ideal opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of and exposure into the countries base metals industry.
Hosted jointly by the metallurgical and mining technical sub-committees of the SAIMM, this forum will endeavour to:
Sponsorship Opportunities
1) Patron Sponsorship - R55 000
2) Exhibitor Sponsorship- R30 000
3) Banner Exhibitor - R15 000
4) Advertisement Sponsor- R12 000
5) Cocktail Sponsorship- R35 000
6) Lanyards Sponsor- R10 000
7) Conference Bags Sponsor- R30 000
8) Dinner Sponsorship - R50 000
Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact the Conference Coordinator
Raymond van der berg
Conference Co-ordinator
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Co-ordinator Email:
Sponsorship Package details can be downloaded in download section below
On behalf of the SAIMM and the organising committee we would like to thank the following sponsors for their invaluable contribution to the conference:
Patron Sponsor:
Exhibition Sponosrship:
Advertising Sponsors:
Cocktail Sponsors:
Conference Bag Sponsorship:
Banner Exhibitor:
Lanyard Sponsorship:
Organising Committee
Conference Committee Chairman
Mr Paul Fouche
Mr Willem van der Merwe Prof. Rodney Jones
Mr Thys Vermaak Mr Pete Ferreira
Mr Jacques van Wyngaard Mr Mark Carlisle
Mr Graham Fisher Mr Mark Mulligan
Mr Gerhard Nel Mr Sandip Naik
Mr Carl Bergmann
The technical programme consisting of refereed papers will be made up of joint sessions of common interest to the entire audience.
These sessions will cover:
- The efficiency of capital and operating expenditure
- Manpower resources and the requirements necessary to run the industry
- Environmental regulations and their impact on the base metals industry
- Africa as a prime investment venue
- Special infrastructure, logistics and energy supply considerations
- The mining/processing interface-breaking down the traditional barriers
- The application of mineralogy and surface chemistry in the base metals industry
- Energy saving initiatives in the base metals industry.
In addition to the special focus topics, papers are also invited in the following areas:
- New projects
- Novel technologies relating to this industry
- The current status of research and development
- Socio-economic challenges
- Compliance with legislation and codes of practice
- Product differentiation
- Vertical integration and value enhancement
- All fields of base metals mining
- All fields of base metals metallurgy
- Conformance to environmental requirements.
Call for papers
The Conference is being organised by The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and papers are invited for the Conference.
Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers, in English. The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Conference Co-ordinator,
SAIMM, PO Box 61127,
Marshalltown 2107
South Africa.
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Co-ordinator Email:
Key Dates & Publication
11 March 2011 Acceptance of abstracts
15 March 2011 Submission of papers
18-20 July 2011 Conference
21 July 2011 Technical Visit: Palabora Mining Company
22 July 2011 Technical Visit: Nkomati Mine
Please note:
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the Journal of the Southern African
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
The following abstracts have been accepted for presentation:
The product development and continuous improvement process for refractories in the base metals industry
-A practical perspective
R.A. Parry, T. Courtney, P. Knupfer, N. McEwan, and D. Brazier, Vereeniging Refractories, South Africa
Leaching kinetics of Cu, Co, Zn, Pb and Fe from copper smelting slags cooled in different ways after tapping
N. Tshiongo, South Africa
Addressing the challenges of sustainability in the mining industry
A. Davis, Nalco Africa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
10 years of International Zinc Association in Southern Africa
R. White, International Zinc Association Southern Africa, South Africa
The effect of gangue mineralogy on the gravity separation of low grade nickel ore
K. Pillay, ^M. Becker, and *D. Chetty, *Mintek and ^University of Cape Town, South Africa
The application of bioleaching to base metal sulfides in Southern Africa: prospects and opportunities
J.W. Neale, M. Gericke, and K. Ramcharan, Mintek, South Africa
The Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia: Copper and Base Metal hotspots
A. Auchterlonie, Mintek, South Africa
Aligning the water balance of Nkomati Mine with production environmental and legislative requirements
E. Slabbert, Nkomati, South Africa
Furure considerations for further processing of cobalt allot at Nchanga smelter
D. Pugaev, M.J. Nicol, and G. Senanayake, Murdoch University, Australia
Commissioning of the 375 ktpm Autogenous milling circuit at Nkomati nickel
E. Wolmarans, P.J. Morgan, and D.S. Smit, Dowding, Reynard and Associates Mineral Projects,
and Nkomati Nickel (African Rainbow Minerals/Norils Nickel JV), South Africa
Industrial trial of Mintekʼs Xanthoprobe at an industrial platinum concentrator
J.W. Knight and B D H Knights, Mintek, South Africa
An introduction to the rados XRF ore sorter
R. Fickling, D. Silver, H. Snyman, and C. Bergmann, Metanza, South Africa
Operation of the MetRIX„¢ resin-in-pulp demonstration plant at HarmonyGold Minesʼ #1 plant near Welkom
J. Scheepers, M. Kotze, and T. Udayar, Mintek, South Africa
RIP pilot plant for the recovery of copper and cobalt from tailings
O. Yahorava and M. Kgaria, Mintek, South Africa
Effective use of energy during flotation process
D. Lelinski, D. Govender, B. Dabrowski, and F. Traczyk, FLSmidth, Salt Lake City, USA
The upper ore body, a new dimension to Nchanga underground mining operation
L. Mbiri, Konkola Copper Mines PLC, Zimbabwe
Selective separations of cobalt, uranium, zinc, nickel and associated contaminants from various process streams
S.R. Izatt, N.E. Izatt, and R.L. Bruening, IBC Advanced Technologies, Inc., USA
Cobalt processing developments
K G Fisher, Bateman Engineering Projects, South Africa
Development of effective solvent-extraction process control low cost omplementation value-addition to hydrometallurgical copper operations
M. Mwale and D.C. Megaw, Kansanshi Mining PLC, First Quantum Mining Ltd & Cognis Corporation (now part of BASF)
Improved flow and flotation monitoring for process efficiency improvements through new technology utilizing
non-invasive passive arrays
J. Felix, C. OʼKeefe, and R. Maron, Felix Project Management and Consulting Services, CiDRA Minerals Processing, Canada
High pressure grinding moving ahead in copper, iron, gold, and diamonds
F.P. van der Meer and W. Maphosa, Humboldt Wedag GmbH, Weir Minerals Africa (Pty) Ltd, Germany
New generation polyester resin capsule support solution to the mining industry
W. Snyman and P. Willemse, Minova, South Africa
The application of GRP and thin spray liner support products in a typical block cave mining method to enhance safety and productivity
P. Ferreira and A. Piroddi, Minova, South Africa
Keeping open of underground blast holes
D. O' Connor, Minova, South Africa and R. Hawker, Minova, Australia
Accounting for the metal in the Base Metal Mine.
A. S Macfarlane and W Richards, Tomahee Consulting.
A Comparison of Large Bead Ion Exchange Resins for Recovery of Base Metals in a Resin-in-Pulp (RIP) Circuit
B McKevitt, P Abbasi and D Dreisinger, The University of British Columbia
Investigation of Factors Influencing the Determination of Discount Rate and the Application of Quantitative Methods for Discount Rate using Risk Factors in the Minerals Industry
S Park and I Matunhire , University of Pretoria and TWP
Cave management and secondary breaking practices at Palabora Mining Company
S Nigidi and D Pretorius, Palabora Mining Company
Impact of poor fragmentation on cave management
S Nigidi and D Pretorius, Palabora Mining Company
Zinc Hydro and Electrometallurgy
R Sandenberg, University of Pretoria
The use of sulphuric acid in the mineral sands industry as a chemical mechanism for iron
and calcium removal
P van der Westhuizen and J Ledgerwood, Exxaro
Operation of the MetRIX Resin in Pulp demonstration plant at Harmony Gold Mines #1 plant
near Welkom
J Scheepers, M Kotze and T Udayar, Mintek
Investigation of sorting technology to remove hard pebbles and recover copper from an autogenous
milling circuit
K Seerane and G Rech, Technology and Innovation, Rio Tinto, Australia Palabora Mining Copper, Rio Tinto
Commodas Ultrasort, Sydney, Australia
Sunday 17 July 2011