Date | 20 January 2014 |
- | 23 October 2014 |
Location | Monte Casino Conference Centre, Johannesburg |
6th International Platinum Conference
'Platinum - Metal for the Future'
20 -22 October 2014 - Conference | 23 - 24 October 2014 -Technical Visits
Sun City, North West Province, South Africa
The 6th International Platinum Conference is to be held on 20-22 October 2014
at Sun City, North West Province, South Africa with technical visits planned for
23-24 October 2014.
The Platinum conference has covered a range of themes since inception in 2004, and traditionally addresses the opportunities and challenges facing the platinum Industry.
This prestigious event attracts key role players and industry leaders through:
- High quality technical papers and presentations
- Facilitating industry networking
- Having large, knowledgeable audiences
- Global participation, and
- Comprehensive support from industry role players.
The 2014 event will, under the guidance of the organising committee, structure a programme which covers critical aspects of this continually evolving and exciting
However the success and relevance of this event to the industry really depends on your participation and support.
You can participate in this event as an organising committee member, author/presenter, delegate or sponsor.
We look forward to your support and engagement in the 6th International Platinum Conference.
Thank you.
Dr Gordon Smith
Chair-Organising Committee
On behalf of the SAIMM and the organising committee we would like to thank the
following sponsors for their invaluable support:
Platinum Sponsor |
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor |
Platinum Sponsor |
Platinum Sponsor |
Paladium Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibitition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Dinner Sponsor |
Corporate Sponsor |
Lanyard Sponsor |
Lanyard Sponsor |
Sponsorship Opportunities
Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Who should attend
- Academics
- Business development managers
- Concentrator managers
- Consultants
- Engineers
- Exploration managers
- Explosives engineers
- Fund managers
- Geologists
- Hydrogeologists
- Innovation managers
- Investment managers
- Market researchers and surveyors
- Marketing managers
- Mechanical engineers
- Metallurgical managers
- Metallurgical consultants
- Metallurgists
- Mine managers
- Mining engineers
- New business development managers
- Planning managers
- Process engineers
- Product developers
- Production managers
- Project managers
- Pyrometallurgists
- Researchers
- Rock engineers
- Scientists
- Strategy analysts
- Ventilation managers
The conference is arranged in a series of sessions covering topics of:
reporting compliance and geostatistical aspects
- Mining engineering,
- Mining technology and the waythe application of design and technology preparation
of concentrates from ores
- Smelting and refining-processing of concentrates to metals
- Marketing and end user evolution-how is the metal used and why
- Legal social and political context-the world we are operating in
- Human challenges-the education, skill and training dimensions
- Safety, health and environmental-how are we moving towards a safer and healthier industry
- Energy, water and infrastructure-critical infrastructure elements
- Projects and project funding-upcoming investments
- Mineral resource management-the technical underpinning of the industry
Call for papers
The Conference is being organised by The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and papers are invited for the Conference.
Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers, in English. The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Key Dates
20 May 2014 Submission of abstracts
20 June 2014 Submission of papers
20-22 October 2014 Conference
23-24 October 2014 Technical visits
The conference will be hosted at Sun City, which is located in the Pilansberg located
in the North West Province of South Africa.
For more information visit:
Please Note:
- Registration fee does not includes accommodation
Technical Visits
Bakubung Platinum Mine - Surface Visit
Wesizwe Platinum's Bakubung Project is located on the Western Bushveld Complex about 30km from the Rustenburg town near Sun City. The project feasibility study was completed in 2008 but due to lack of capital funding there was a 3 years delay to start of development. Wesizwe officially launched the project in July 2011 after a successful funding transaction with a Chinese consortium. The mine design is a deep level PGM's mine with the average depth of the reef at (600-800) below surface. The access method will be via an independent twin vertical shaft system to depths of 930m & 1000m below surface respectively. The mine production rate will be 230 000tpm made up of 180 000 tpm from the Merensky Reef and 50 000tpm from the UG2. The mine complex will also include a process plant with a nameplate capacity of 240 000 tpm . The work that has been done to date is mainly site establishment in preparation for start of Pre-Sink comprising of amongst others: Fencing and access routes around the property, Pollution control dams, Box Cuts and collar foundations on both shafts, Winder house foundations, Kibble and stage winders foundations, Eskom substation, High tension cable ducting, Temporary site offices for the project team and contractors, Transformer station, commissioning of temporary services(power & water). Wesizwe has appointed Aveng-GLTA to do the shaft sinking and the scope will cost R 1.64 bn (real money terms) and will take 64 months to shaft commissioning. We are also busy discussing a full scope EPCM contract with TWP who are completing a 12 months scope that was awarded last year. The visiting team will be given a short project presentation and a SHE induction followed by a site visit of the surface works to get close views of the shaft foundations, winder house, pollution control dams to name the least.
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923