The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Optimisation of Mine Value Chain from Resource to Market '13

Date 07 May 2013
- 09 May 2013
Location CSIR Pretoria
We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Optimisation of Mine Value Chain from Resource to Market

7-9 May 2013
CSIR, Pretoria

This conference is designed to help mining operations realise significant value, by optimising the total value chain from resource to market. To do this the conference will focus on identifying optimization opportunities and how to sustain these processes over the duration of the mine's life.

These optimization opportunities will include:
• Resource characterization into down steam metallurgical processing
• Breaking down silo's between operating departments
• Measuring techniques consistent throughout the value chain
• Create synergy between functional departments to increase benefit across the 
   value chain
• Maximum product at right quality
• The right measurements to determine the required outcome (alignment of 'key
   result areas') into mine to mill
• Compatibility between ore types as a function of the plant processing
   (blending and campaign)
• Design for averages vs design for envelope
• Sustainability applications:
    • Education
    • Tracking-System alignment
    • Independent of champions
    • Performance contract and bonus alignment
    • Organizational structure design
    • Specialized mine to mill training


The organising committee would like to thank the following sponsors for their invaluable contribution:

ScanMin Logo_II
Banner Exhibitor   

 Anglo American   Conference Folder Sponsor    

RioTinto RGB_HiRes
USB Sponsor
Lanyard Sponsor


Banner Sponsor

Cyest Analytics_logo

Bag Sponsor 

Sponsorship Opportunities
Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact the Conference Coordinator

Caron Lance
Conference Co-ordinator
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Co-ordinator Email:
Preliminary Programme

Tuesday-7 May 2013

08:00-09:00      Registration & Early Morning Refreshments

09:00-09:10      SAIMM Presidential Address
                           Dr G.L. Smith, SAIMM President

09:10-09:40      Keynote Address
                           Singular functional focus has resulted in significant value opportunity in
                           the gaps between different parts of the mining value chain
                           P. Dempsey, Anglo American

09:40-10:05      What is the Ê»trueʼ flow capability of a mining value chain
                           P.G. Laurens, Exxpleo (Pty) Ltd

10:05-10:30      Obstacles in a mining operation value chain
                           A. Dunne, Exxpleo (Pty) Ltd

10:30-11:00       Tea Break

11:00-11:30      Optimisation of resource extraction in the Somkheld coalfield-A
                           conceptual framework
                           M.J. Haslett

11:30-11:55      Mineral accounting-the missing link in the mining Industry
                           W. Richards

11:55-12:20      Gateway Logistics: Implementation of an optimised mining logistics
                           value chain: Progressively increasing the South African iron ore supply
                           chain from the Northern Cape mines through the Port of Saldanha
                           N. Searle, Hatch

12:20-12:45      Purpose of information structures in the mining value chain
                           A. Dunne, Exxpleo (Pty) Ltd

12:45-13:45      Lunch

13:45-14:10      The use of change management and behaviour based training in an
                           improvement project aimed at creating organisational sustainability in
                           a multicultural mining environment in Zambia
                           Herman Prinsloo, Dr H.B. Prinsloo Consulting Services

14:10-14:35      The application of computer modelling in real time mining operations
                           decision support
                           M.S. Arnesen, Cresco

14:35-15:00      Closing Remarks

15:00-17:00      Cocktail function

Wednesday-8 May 2013

08:00-09:00      Registration & Early Morning Refreshments

09:00-09:30      Keynote Address:
                           Incident reconstruction simulations-its potential impact on the
                           prevention of future mine incidents
                           Prof. R.C. Webber-Youngman

09:30-09:55      Ore and ore body characteristics determines mining value chain
                           P.G. Laurens, Exxpleo (Pty) Ltd

09:55-10:20      Yield improvement at a mid-sized coal mine in the Witbank coal fields
                           Dr J. Claassen

10:20-10:50      Tea Break

10:50-11:15      Optimising value on a copper mine by linking the ore body to the plant
                           A.S. Macfarlane/T. Williams

11:15-11:40      West Africa gold mine-to-mill optimisation
                           D. Gardner/M. Vivekanandan

11:40-12:05       Increase production using MRTM principles-Samancor Chrome case
                           C. Kloppers

12:05-12:30      Case studies of simultaneous mining and mineral processing 
                           optimisation applied to platinum and nickel operations
                           S. Burks, Whittle Consulting Africa (Pty) Ltd

12:30-13:30      Lunch

13:30-13:55      Throughput flow based paradigm and mental framework-Case study
                           with Anglo Gold Ashanti and Sasol mines
                           Dr A. van Tonder, ICTUS (Pty) Ltd

13:55-14:20       A framework to simplify the management of throughputs and
                           A. Cambitis, Cyest Corporation

14:20-14:45      Case Study: Universal reconciliation
                           M. Burnett, Snowden

14:45-15:10      Data and cross functional challenges in quantifying and managing
                           labour productivity
                           M.S. Arnesen/C. Mitta

15:10-15:30      Closing remarks

Thursday-Workshop: 9 May 2013

07:30-08:30      Registration & Early Morning Refreshments

08:30-08:55      Keynote Address:
                           Mineral resources throughput management and Ê»The Zoneʼ
                           Prof. W.A. van der Westhuizen

08:55-09:55       Define the mining value chain
                           A. Dunne, Exxpleo (Pty) Ltd

09:55-10:45       How to calculate the flow in a mining value chain using MRTM
                            P.G. Laurens

10:45-11:05        Tea Break

11:05-12:55        How to optimise the mining value chain using MRTM methodology
                             P.G. Laurens

12:55-13:40        Lunch

13:40-14:25        Application of discussed principles in mining
                             A. Macfarlane

14:25-14:50        Operating and improvement methodology effectiveness in mining
                             Dr J. Claassen

14:50-15:10        Tea Break

15:10-15:35        Reconciliation and metal accounting in the mining value chain
                            A.C. Dunne/W. Richards

15:35-16:05        Conclusion to Workshop

Who should attend

- Case for value
- Embedding the principle
- Implementation techniques
- Fundamental principles
- Post mill optimisation
- Education
- Particle tracking and campaigne mining
- Tailings and environmental issues
- Selective mining

Papers are invited that integrate the following topics:
• Academics
• Business improvement
• Geologists
• Mineral resource managers
• Mining engineers
• Metallurgical engineers
• Production planners mine and plant supervisors
• Value chain optimisation practitioners

Call for papers
The Conference is being organised by The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and papers are invited for the Conference.

Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers, in English. The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Caron Lance
Conference Co-ordinator
SAIMM, PO Box 61127
Marshalltown 2107
South Africa
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Co-ordinator Email:

Registration Fees
Please note:
- Non-members are entitled to free membership of the SAIMM, up to 30 June 2013,
  for attending this event
- Registration fee does not include accommodation
- Prepayment is required for all Registration Fees on or before the date of the event
- Delegates who have not paid will not be permitted to attend the event

Caron Lance
Conference Co-ordinator
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Co-ordinator Email: