Date | 12 May 2014 |
- | 14 May 2014 |
Location | Misty Hills Conference Centre, Muldersdrift, Cradle of Humankind, Johannesburg |
South African Rock Engineering Symposium
SARES 2014
"Creating value through innovative rock engineering "
12-14 May 2014 |Misty Hills, Muldersdrift
Recent events in the South African mining industry have led to the conclusion that it is time for significant change. Mining needs to become safer and more efficient while addressing the challenges of labour costs, marginal ore, complex geology and greater
mining depth. Innovative rock engineering design is therefore essential for the future of
the mining industry
The organising committee would like to thank the following sponsors for their invaluable support:
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Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |
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Breakfast Sponsor |
Sponsorship Opportunities
Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact the Conference Coordinator
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
To provide an international forum to share and discuss innovations in rock engineering.
Who should attend
• Rock engineering practitioners
• DMR inspectors
• Researchers
• Academics
• Mining engineers
• Civil engineers
Preliminary Programme
Day 1: 12 May 2014
07:30-08:30 Registration and Coffee
08:30-08:40 Safety Presentation
08:40-08:55 Welcome-Chairman of the Organising Committee and President of
08:55-09:30 Keynote Speaker: Deformation-based support design for caving
P. Kaiser, Mining Excellence
Session Chairman: W. Joughin
Session: Numerical Modelling
09:30 -09:55 The presence of shear stresses in pillars and the effect on factor of safety
in a room-and pillar layout,
J Maritz, University of Pretoria
09:55-10:20 Numerical stress calculations:implementing an alternative approach,
J D Gerber, Institute of Mine Seismology
10:20-10:55 Morning Tea
10:55-11:20 The Ishii strainmeters to in-situ monitor rock mass response to mining in
South African gold mines,
H Ogasawara, T Katsura, G Hofmann, Y Yabe, H Ishii, D Roberts,
S Nakao, M Okubo, A K Ward and H Kawakata, Ritsumeikan University,
Japan Hitachi Solutions Inc., Anglogold Ashanti (Pty) Ltd., Tohoku
University, Japan Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science, Japan
Kagoshima University, Japan, Seismogen CC
11:20-11:45 Numerical modeling of unstable failure in rocks and along rock
discontinuities, R. Garvey, R. Gu, E.M.C. Kias, and U. Ozbay, Colorado
School of Mines
11:45-12:10 Estimating Dilution in Open Stopes using Numerical Modelling,
P J Le Roux, T R Stacey, Brentley Lucas and Associates (Pty) Ltd
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
12:10-12:35 Developments of the Hybrid Stress Blast Model for Wall Stability,
S Etchell, E Sellers, AEL Mining Services and JKTech Pty Ltd
12:35-12:45 Sponsorship Presentation: New Concept Mining
12:45-13:45 Lunch
Session Chairman: F. Malan
Session: Fracture
13:55 Sponsorship Presentation: Orica
13:55-14:20 Time-dependent tensile strengths of Bushveld complex rocks and
implications for rock failure around mining excavations,
D Nyungu, T R Stacey, Anglo American Platinum Ltd, University of the
14:20-14:45 Evaluation and prediction of penetration rate of rotary-percussive drilling
using different nonlinear tools,A case study,
A Salimia, C Moormanna, S A Aalizadb, M Esmaeilic, University of
Stuttgart, Germany University of Tehran, VSS Engineering Company,
Tehran , Iran
14:45-15:10 Fan-structure shear rupture mechanism as a source of shear rupture
B G Tarasov, The University of Western Australia
15:10-15:35 Afternoon Tea
Session Chairman: K. Bossman
15:35-16:00 Grid based analysis of seismic data,
J Wesseloo, J Woodward, J Peirera, University of Western Australia
16:00-16:25 Evaluation of the spatial variation of b-value,
J Wesseloo, University of Western Australia
16:25-16:30 Day Closure
Day 2: 13 May 2014
07h30-08h00 Registration
08:00-09h30 Breakfast Networking Session
09:30-09:40 Safety Presentation
09:40-09:50 Welcome-SAIMM President
09:50-10:35 Keynote Speaker: Three Ways to Assess Mining Induced Fault
Instability using Numerical Modelling,
T Wiles, Mine Modelling Pty Ltd.
10:35-11:00 Morning Tea
Session Chairman: D. Mossop
Session: Slope
11:00-11:25 The importance of conceptual understanding of expected failure
mechanisms in limit equilibrium models,
G.McGavigan, Anglo American Kumba Iron Ore
11:25-12:50 Management of the Nkomati Crusher Slope Failure,
R Armstrong, K Moletsane, SRK, Nkomati Nickel Mine
12:50-12h45 When can slope failures regarded as "reportable",
G McGavigan and M Bester, Anglo American Kumba Iron Ore
12:45-13:45 Lunch
Session Chairman: B. Crompton
Session: Support
13:45-14:10 The In Situ Monitoring of Primary Roof Bolts at Three Underground
Coal Mines in the U.S.A.,
A J S Spearing, T Kostecki and A Hyett, Southern Illinois University
Carbondale Yield Point Inc., Ontario, Canada
14:10-14:35 Introduction of resin bolting for in-stope support at Tumela no 1 shaft,
K Maketa, D O'Connor, B Nhlapho, T Sadler, Orica Mining Services SA
Tumela Mine
14:35-15:00 Rock anchor corrosion potential determination in United States
underground coal mines,
A J S Spearing, G Bylapudi, K Mondal, A Bhagwat, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale Orica Limited, Bowerston, Ohio, USA
15:00-15:25 Testing of paddle-deformed rock bolts for resin anchoring,
R Gerber, D O'Connor, Orica Mining Services South Afrcia and
DRH Mining Consultants
15:25-15:50 Afternoon Tea
Session Chairman: V. Visser
15:50-16:15 Observational studies in South African gold mines to mitigate seismic
risks: a mid-term review of the 5-year project SATREPS,
R J Durrheim, H Ogasawara, M Nakatani, Y Yabe, A M Milev,
A Cichowicz, H Kawakata, H Moriya, M Naoi, T Kgarume, O Murakami,
A V Z Brink, G Ferreira, G Henry, R Teleka, J Kuijpers, S Mngadi,
A Ward, J Wienand , SATREPS1 Research Group, JST-JICA Science and
Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development
(SATREPS), JST-JICA Science and Technology Research Partnership for
Sustainable Development (SATREPS)The, University of the
Witwatersrand, South Africa, CSIR Centre for Mining Innovation, South
Africa, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Earthquake Research Institute
of the University of Tokyo, Japan, Tohoku University, Japan, Council
for Geoscience,South Africa, Seismogen cc., South Africa Sibanye
Gold, South Africa
16:15-16:25 Conference Closure
Day 3: 14 May 2014
07:30-08:30 Registration and Coffee
08:30-08:40 Safety Presentation
08:40-08:50 Welcome-Chairman of the organising committee
W. Joughin
Session Chairman: L. Gardner
08:50-09:35 Keynote Speaker: Extending empirical evidence through numerical
modelling in rock engineering design,
G Esterhuizen, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
09:35 -10:00 The use of simple physical models to illustrate important mechanisms
of thin spray-on liner and rock-bolt support in jointed rock
P Mpunzi, T Moyo, T R Stacey, SRK, University of the Witwatersrand
10:00-10:25 Unique fall of ground prevention strategy implemented at two rivers
platinum mine,
A P Esterhuizen, Q Grix, Open House Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd
10:25-11:00 Morning Tea
Session Chairman: R. Armstrong
Session: Data Modelling
11:00-11:25 Correlation of Point Load Index with Uniaxial Compressive Strength
for Bushveld Complex Rocks,
L J Gardner, J D Bosman, Impala Platinum Limited, Open House
Management Solutions
11:25-11:50 The geotechnical input and evaluation provided for the positioning of
Tumela No. 5 Shaft,
L van Aswegen, Anglo American Platinum
11:50-12:15 Geotechnical data -when in a mining project cycle should this be
G C More O'Ferrall and L J Gardner, AMEC Impala Platinum Limited
12:15-12:40 Towards in-situ stress measurement at earthquake prone areas in
South African gold mines,
H Ogasawara, H Kato, G Hofmann, D Roberts, T Clements, P Piper
and Y Yabe, Ritsumeikan University , 3D-Geoscience ltd. Anglogold
Ashanti (Pty) Ltd., Groundwork (Pty) Ltd., Tohoku University
12:40-13:40 Lunch
Session Chairman: G. Kotze
Session: Seismicity
13:40-14:05 Microseismic Monitoring Applications in Canadian Mines,
C I Trifu and V Shumila, ESG Solutions
14:05-14:30 Comparison between borehole and surface mount geophones in
mine seismic networks,
S Hobson, Institute of Mine Seismology
14:30-14:55 Pillar behaviour and seismicity in platinum mines,
S M Spottiswoode and M Drummond
14:55-15:20 Measuring the size of mining-induced earthquakes: a proposal,
R Ebrahim-Trollope, R J Durrheim and G Smith, University of Cape
Town University of the Witwatersrand, CSIR Centre for Mining
15:20-15:30 Conference Closure
Contributions are invited on topics such as:
- Value creation
- Innovative design
- Fracture and damage of rocks
- Numerical modelling
- Constitutive models
- Rock mechanics data
- Deformable rock
- Underground rock mechanics
- Tunnelling
- Slope stability
- Caving
- Ground support
- Subsidence
- Seismicity
- Risk
Call for papers
The Conference is being organised by The Southern African Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, and papers are invited for the Conference.
Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers, in English.
The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
SAIMM, P O Box 61127
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923
Key Dates & Publication
17 September 2013 Submission of abstracts
26 September 2013 Acceptance of abstracts
4 November 2013 Submission of final paper
12-14 May 2014 Conference
Please note:
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and
Registration Fees
Registration Fees |
Registration Fees after 1 April 2014 |
Author | R 7 999.00 | R 7 999.00 |
SAIMM / SANIRE Members | R 7 999.00 | R 8 300.00 |