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Challenges with energy security and transportation logistics: how has the Junior mining sector been impacted?

Date Fri 5 May 2023, 09:00
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Challenges with energy security and transportation logistics:
how has the Junior mining sector been affected?

5 May 2023
09:00 - 11:00

The Minerals Council South Africa is the premier body representing employers in the mining sector. It represents 90% of all mining operations by value. The Junior and Emerging Miners Desk (JEMD), a programme in the Minerals Council, represents 37 junior and mid-tier producers as well as exploration/development companies. In addition, the JEMD works closely with mining associations, particularly the South African Diamond Producers Organization (SADPO), the Clay Brick Association and ASPASA. The JEMD supports its members with a comprehensive programme of work that includes policy lobbying, stakeholder engagement, hosting Webinars, information dissemination, research, and mentorship.
The South African mining sector has been severely impacted by both challenges relating to reliable electricity supply, as well as well as the inability of Transnet to provide reliable rail services in order for mining companies to get their product to market. A conservative estimate is that around R 50 billion was lost in mineral export earnings in 2022 due to transportation issues.
The Junior sector has felt these headwinds. Accordingly, you are invited to attend a Webinar to unpack these challenges and explore solutions.
Confirmed speakers are:

  • Roger Baxter: CEO Minerals Council South Africa
  • Henk Langenhoven: Chief economist, Minerals Council South Africa
  • James Mackay: CEO, Energy Council of South Africa

There will be a panel discussion with the CEO’s of Junior companies as well as with two  mining associations.

  • Jono Gay: CEO, Chrom Tech
  • Letisha van den Berg: CEO, ASPASA
  • Lyndon de Meillon: Vice Chair, SADPO
  • Crause Mabudafhasi: Executive Director, VUNA group

There is no charge for this Webinar!