The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Chrome Colloquium 2017

Date 19 June 2017
- 20 June 2017
Location Mintek, Randburg, Johannesburg
Resources Chrome Announcement 01062017.pdf
Chrome Colloquium 2017 Sponsorship Packages.pdf
Chrome Final Programme 09062017.pdf
Chrome reg form 24052017.pdf
We are no longer accepting registration for this event


Chrome beneficiation has been at the core of driving South Africa’s ferroalloy industry in the last ~ 40 years. Various technical, economic, environmental and social issues have seen an industry transform over decades. Interaction between industrial partners (mines, ferrochrome producers, and engineering houses), research institutions and science councils has always been key to drive South Africa forward.

Following a successful School in Manganese Ferroalloy Production held at Mintek in 2016 and in preparation for Infacon XV (to be held in South Africa in 2018), a colloquium on Chrome is being organised.