Date | 22 February 2023 |
- | 23 February 2023 |
Resources |
Drill and Blast Short Course Announcement-30082022.pdf
Drilling and Blasting Programme 18012023.pdf |
There has been a significant change in the explosives and initiating systems used in the mining, quarrying and
civil blasting applications both on surface and underground. This course will provide and align the delegates
with some basic principles, tools, examples and understanding of the leverage of these products. Whether
you are new to the industry or a seasoned user or find yourself in the position of an explosive manager or
supervisor to a regulator, the course will enable some debate, rules and questions you should be asking of your
explosive OEM.
The importance of improved safety standards, cost effectivenessand productivity has driven mining
management and operators to examine all facets of their operations. Increasingly it has been realized that an
efficient drilling and blasting program can impact positively throughout the mining operation from loading to
maintenance, hauling to crushing, ground support to scaling and grade control to recovery. We will also test
the concepts and increasing challenges of blasting in the vicinity of local communities.
Simon Tose is an established industry recognized consultant, registered professional engineer and leader in
technology, mining, explosives and blasting science. Holding a BSC Hons Mining Engineering degree, management
and explosive qualifications. Extensive experience in mining methods, education and management of projects
and blast investigations. He has written papers, articles and presented at a number of International and Local
conferences. Current board member of the IOQSA & ISEE and regular contributions to the SAIMM & AusIMM.
With a strength in project design he leads the Blast Consult team with a strong passion for the development
of environmental and blast monitoring, measurement and investigation, consulting, management and financial
analysis for AEL.
For further information contact:
Camielah Jardine,
Head of Conferencing
Tel: +27 11 538-0237, Web: