The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Ferrous 2016

Date 19 October 2016
- 21 October 2016
Location Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani Hotel, Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal
Resources AMI FERROUS 2016 Final Programme.pdf
Ferrous 2016 Announcement Registration Form080616.pdf


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AMI in association with the SAIMM are hosting the

Ferrous 2016
19-21 October 2016 · Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani,Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal

Through its Advanced metals Initiative (AmI) the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) promotes research, development and innovation across the entire value chain of the advanced metals field.

The goal of this initiative is to achieve sustainable local mineral beneficiation and to increase the downstream value addition of advanced metals in a sustainable manner. The achievement of this is envisioned to be through human capital development on post-graduate and post-doctoral level, technology transfer, localization and ultimately,

The AMI comprises four networks, each focussing on a different group of metals. These are Light metals, Precious metals, Nuclear materials and Ferrous and Base metals (i.e. iron, steel, stainless steels, superalloys, copper, brass, etc.).

The AMI FMDN 2016 Conference aims to bring together stakeholders from the mineral sector, academia, steel industry, international research institutions and government in order to share and debate the latest trends, research and innovations, specifically in the areas of energy, petrochemical, corrosion, materials for extreme environments and transport, local mineral beneficiation and advanced manufacturing related to these materials.

Keynote speakers to be invited include international specialists in the fields of ferrous metals, computational materials science, high temperature corrosion and mineral beneficiation.

The Ferrous and Base metals Development Network (FMDN) of the DST's Advanced metals Initiative (AMI) programme will host the AMI's annual conference in 2016. The conference seeks to share insight into the state of R&D under the AMI-FMDN programmes and explore and debate the following broad themes:

  • Development of high performance ferrous and base metal alloys for application in the energy and petrochemical industries
  • Development of corrosion resistant ferrous and base metal alloys
  • Development of lightweight and/or durable steels for cost-effective transportation and infrastructure, and
  • Panel discussions on possible future value-adding R&D programmes under FMDN within the South African National Imperatives.


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