The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Going Green through Fuel Cell Power - Breakfast Discussion

Date 27 February 2019
Location Worley, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg
Resources Fuel Cells First Announcement 28012019.pdf
We are no longer accepting registration for this event


South Africa has the means to position itself as the global leader in the development of fuel cell technology and application, thus creating a viable source of clean energy for both mobile and static installations, while at the same time creating further beneficiation opportunities for platinum group metals, thus creating jobs in the manufacturing sector and beneficiation chain, and opportunities for local industrialisation.



S. Sibiya
Impala Platinum Limited
Dr C. Chiteme
Director: Hydrogen and Energy, DST


According to the Mail and Guardian (11th May 2018) “ The Cabinet approved National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technogies Research, Development and Innovation Strategy (HySA strategy) is at the core of fuel cell development in South Africa.  The strategy is intended to stimulate and guide innovation along the HFCT value chain, positioning the country to supply high-value-added products to both the domestic and international markets.”

This breakfast event is aimed at exploring current developments in fuel cell technology development, including real applications and case studies, as well as developments in the transport and storage of hydrogen. This event is part of a series of breakfast events that will unpack the various uses, now and future, for PGMs, ranging from fuel cells, to autocatalysts, investment and industrial uses in future breakfasts.

These events will deliver inputs into a summit to be organised by the SAIMM, the intent of which is to draw together work, knowledge and experience in this area, in order to create a position paper that can be used to influence and inform government policy on means to sustain the Southern African platinum group metals industry.

This breakfast event will consist of presentations from industry, government, research institutions and academia, followed by a panel discussion to develop clear outputs from the session. 

This event will appeal to mining industry leaders, government officials from the Departments of Mineral Resources, Science and Technology and Trade and Industry, industrialists, beneficiators, researchers, scientists, academia, economists and industry commentators.