The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Innovations in Mining Conference 2016

Date 19 July 2016
- 19 July 2016
Location Zimbabwe School of Mines, Bulawayo
Resources Innovations in mining Announcement Preliminary Programme and Registration Form 110716.pdf


The SAIMM Zimbabwe Branch are proud to host the

‘Redesigning the Mining and Mineral Processing Cost Structure’

19–20 July 2016
Holiday Inn Bulawayo

Mineral commodity prices have experienced unpredictable and huge fluctuations, resulting in severe cost cutting measures and mine closures. This has affected mining companies of all sizes.

It is critical that sustainable mineral production levels are maintained during all phases of the commodity price cycles through use of appropriate technology and methods. Investor confidence in the mining sector has been shaken.

There is need for sustainable mining policies to support the new mining models and a corporate governance environment that will maximize value for all stakeholders