The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Johannesburg Branch Event

Date Thu 16 November 2017, 17:00
Location Worley, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg
saimm jhb branch event 


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"Anatomy of a diamond plant in the mid-tier sector"

Presented by
Derek Terence Lahee - Managing Director of Consulmet (PTY) Ltd

Consulmet has done a case study on a 50tph kimberlite processing plant installed in 2000 as a comparison to a modern processing plant installed in 2017. Using this as the basis of the presentation, we will also discuss applicable modern diamond recovery methods. Emphasis has been placed on practicality, constructability and proven technologies.

About the presenter: Derek is the managing director of Consulmet (PTY) Ltd. He has gained his experience in remote parts of Africa, predominantly in the diamond industry. Derek gets involved in all aspects of Consulmet, including the process engineering from the design through to commissioning and hand over of the plant. Holds National higher diploma (Extraction Metallurgy) Technikon Witwatersrand School of Mines. Derick is a member of SAIMM and the Institute of Directors.

For more information please contact:

Kea Shumba
Membership & Branch Liaison Administrator
Telephone: +27 11 834 1273  l  Facsimile: 086 684 0453

The SAMMM Johannesburg Branch Committee would like to thank Consulmet (PTY) Ltd for sponsoring the 16 November 2017 branch event.
