The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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MineSAFE 2015

Date 26 August 2015
- 27 August 2015
Location Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Gauteng
CPD Points 2
Location Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Johannesburg

SAIMM, AMMSA, MMMA and SACMA are hosting …

MineSAFE 2015
Every mine worker returning from work unharmed every day.

Striving for Zero Harm

26–27 August 2015—Conference | 28 August 2015—Industry day
Emperors Palace, Johannesburg

The conference will focus on improving health, safety and the environmental impact in the mining and metallurgy industry and highlight actions to be taken.

It will act as a platform for learning and allow people to share ideas on safety, health and the environment.

This conference aims to bring together management, DMR, Chamber of Mines, Unions and health and safety practitioners at all levels from the industry to share best practice and successful strategies for zero harm and a value-based approach to health and safety.

It will address the main challenges in the mining industry such as logistics, energy and safety of employees, contractors and the communities.

Conference Supported by
The conference organising committee would like to thank the following institutions for their invaluable support:

 Chamber of Mines           
 MHSC  DMR logo
NUM logo solidarity
UASA latest logo approved 2 copy  

We would like to thank the following sponsors for their contribution:

Premium Sponsor   

         Chamber of Mines

Premium Sponsor


Premium Sponsor





University PTA Logo


 Hearing Coach













DMR logo






Sponsorship Opportunities
The following sponsorship opportunities are available:
Partnership Sponsorship
Premium Exhibition Sponsorship
Banner Exhibition Sponsorship
Cocktail Sponsorship
Conference Bag Sponsorship
Pens and Pads Sponsorship
Author Gift Sponsorship
Lanyard Sponsorship 

Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact the Conference Coordinator
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923


Who should attend

The conference should be of value to:
- Head office personnel
- Mine management
- Mine health and safety officials
- Minerals and energy department
- Underground production supervisors
- Surface production supervisors
- Contractors (mining)
- Mining consultants
- Mining suppliers
- Mining manufacturers
- Unions
- Academics & Students

Call for papers
The conference is a combined effort between the SAIMM, AMMSA and SACMA. With valued input from the DMR, Chamber of Mines, NUM, Solidarity and UASA The Union and papers are invited for the Conference.

Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers, in English. The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923

The following topics are invited to be presented at the conference:

- Health
- Environment
- Lifestyle/Fatique Management
- Corporate social investment in communities
- Behavioural management of employees
- Community safety services
- Wellness of employees
- Safety ‘off’ the job
- Occupational health
- Employees—sustainable development
- Ventilations issues and solutions
- Environmental issues and solutions
- Engineering issues and solutions
- Mine design solutions
- Managers and safety managers presentations
- Rock engineering—issues and solutions
- Geological issues and solutions
- Corporate leading practices
- Planning issues and solutions
- Security/illegal mining
- Geotechnical concerns on safety
- Workplace solutions and conditions
- Operation of transport and machinery
- Fall of ground management
- Safety manager—leading practices

Registration Fees
Please note: Non-members are entitled to free membership of the SAIMM, up to 30 June 2016, for attending this event

Registration Fees:
Please Note:
- Registration fee does not include accommodation
Prepayment is required for all Registration Fees on or before the date of the event.
- Delegates who have not paid will not be permitted to attend the event 

The conference will be hosted at the Emperors Palace Conference Centre, which is located in Gauteng.
For more information visit:  

Please note the following when using the Book & Settle Direct Links:

  • In order to qualify for the discounted rates, book on line via the links either pay with a Credit Card or EFT
  • If booking not online, booking myst be done via Central Reservations and
    receive the best rate possible (rack rate)
  • Rooms will not be booked via email or the phone at the discounted rate
  • Rooms are not held on the Block and are booked on a first, first served basis
  • Should bokking be done via email or telephone (rack rates apply) then book directly with Central Reservations

Peermont Mondior Hotel
Available date: 24 Aug – 29 Aug 2015
Rate Code: SAI240815_002

Peermont Metcourt Suites Hotel
Available date: 24 Aug – 29 Aug 2015
Rate Code: SAI240815_001

Peermont Metcourt Hotel
Available date: 24 Aug – 29 Aug 2015
Rate Code: SAI240815

Please Note: Registration fee does not includes accommodation

Key Dates
4 May 2015                 Submission of abstracts
8 May 2015                 Acceptance of abstracts
8 June 2015                Submission of extended abstract
26–27 August 2015    Conference
28 August 2015          Industry Day

MineSAFE Industry Day - Participation Rules
There will be 3 Category of awards.

The level of management appointment for the breakdown of data of mines participating in any of the Safety Awards is a MHSA appointment 3.1(a) or a 4.1 appointee.

The following are the mine/commodity groupings for the safety awards:
· Gold Mines
· Platinum Mines
· Coal Mines
· Diamond Mines
· Base Metal Mines
· Process Plants
· Contractors

The type of safety awards:
Category 1:
Year on Year "Total Injury Frequency Rate (TIFR) Improvement".
- Statistics reporting period 1 July-30June for the last 3 years.
- The progressive TIFR number on the closing date for the 12 months is used. (Require:
  The total Hours worked in the year per month for the last 3 years. Total injuries in the
  year per month for the last 3 years).
- Year 1=1 July 2012 -30June 2013.
- Year 2=1 July 2013-30June 2014.
- Year3=1 July 2014 -30June 2015.

Category 2:
- "Best in Class TIFR" (1st,2nd and 3rd place). The lowest progressive TIFR for the
   reporting period, 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
- The same format of data as for Category 1. But in this case the TIFR include all injuries
   that was reported, including dressing cases. Thus the grand total of all injuries.
   International company's report TIFR on the ICMM rule and exclude Dressing cases in their
   TIFR. Thus to ensure we compare like with like, it is any injury reported by any person,
   make no difference how small.

Category 3:
A category called "Significant Safety Achievements". In this category we look at the mine's situation on the closing date 30 June 2015:
- Progressive fatality free shifts on the closing day- 30 June 2015.
- If a fatality occurred in the period 1 July 2014-30 June 2015, the progressive Fatality free
  shifts on that day must be submitted.
- For mines that are not having fatal accidents, "Progressive Injury Free Days"- on the
  submission day how many injury free days did you have for the period:
- The injury free days are calendar days. Thus in a year the maximum injury free days
  can be 365 days.
- Year 1=1 July 2012 -30June 2013.
- Year 2=1 July 2013-30June 2014.
- Year3=1 July 2014 -30June 2015.

The JT Ryan award will be decided on by the Organizing Committee following an analysis of all Safety Data submitted

The Health submission can be done by the OMP or the Occupational Hygienist or the person responsible for Wellness in the company or on the mine.
- Gold Mines
- Platinum Mines
- Coal Mines
- Diamond Mines
- Base Metal Mines
- Process Plants

Note: If a contractor worked on a mine in a health project it must be booked under the mine and not the specific service provider/ contractor. A representative from the mine must submit the technical note/ paper.

To qualify for a Health award the mine must submit a Technical note/ paper on a project that was done and was managed by such mine to improve the health of employees or the community.

The note must clearly indicate:
- The Scope of the project.
- The desired outcomes.
- Activities conducted.
- Progress/ Achievement vs the desired outcomes.
- Current Status/ Sustainability.

The committee will evaluate the submission and decide who will be awarded.

The Environmental submission can be done by any person working in the Environmental Department on a mine.
- Gold Mines
- Platinum Mines
- Coal Mines
- Diamond Mines
- Base Metal Mines
- Process Plants

Note: If a contractor worked on a mine and did an Environmental project it must be booked under the mine and not the specific service provider/ contractor. A representative from the mine must submit the technical note/ paper.

To qualify for an Environmental award the mine must submit a Technical note/ paper on a project that was done at such mine to lessen the Environmental impact or to improve the Environmental condition/ situation at such a mine.

The note must clearly indicate:
- The Scope of the project.
- The desired outcomes.
- Activities conducted.
- Progress/ Achievement vs the desired outcomes.
- Current Status/ sustainability.

The committee will evaluate the submission and decide who will be awarded

Raymond van der Berg
Head of Conferencing
Tel: (011) 834-1273/7
Fax: (011) 833-8156 or (011) 838-5923