The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Mining for the Future 2016


Mining for the Future 2016
12–13 September 2016, Electra Mining, Nasrec, Johannesburg

Globally the mining industry is in a crisis with declining productivity and many mining operations are no longer sustainable at the current commodity prices. The mining organisation as we know it will have to change and become agile to adapt to uncertainty relating to commodity prices, more difficult ore bodies, skills shortages and growing expectations from all stakeholders. New technologies, mining methods, organisational design philosophies, scenario planning, big data and the digital revolution are all opportunities for the mining industry to reinvest itself.

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy brings you two days of high impact Forums with top industry Keynote speakers talking about the concept of Mining for the Future. Panel discussions, case studies and networking opportunities will bring the future of mining to you now. Join the Forums to interact and network with industry thought leaders and experts who will discuss topical issues and solutions that work now.

Download: Mining for the future Announcement 310316.pdf