The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Proximity Detection And Collision Avoidance Systems In Mining Colloquium 2017

Date 20 April 2017
Location Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Johannesburg
Resources Proximity Detection 2017 Sponsorship Packages 070217.pdf
Proximity Detection First Annoucement and reg form.pdf
Proximity Detection Prelim Programme 040417.pdf
We are no longer accepting registration for this event


Considerable attention is being focused through the Department of Mineral Resources, the Mine Health and Safety Council, the mining companies and the original equipment manufacturers on the development and implementation of Proximity Detection Systems (PDSs) and Collision Avoidance Systems for underground and surface mobile machinery and underground track bound machinery. These initiatives are all in support of the quest by all stakeholders for reaching “zero harm”.

Systems have been developed and trialled for vehicle to person detection and warning, vehicle to beacon, and vehicle to vehicle detection.

Technical challenges have been encountered in terms of the various system reliability and pedestrian/operator acceptance, as well as the application on diesel powered and electric powered machinery, respectively.

Whilst it is the intention to regulate this area in the near future, it is important that the various issues that could be problematic to implementation be aired and solutions found.