The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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SAIMM Johannesburg Branch Event – Annual Student Debate

Date Thu 22 August 2019, 17:00
Location Worley, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg

Debate Topic: How do we develop excellence back in the Southern African mining industry in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution, thereby making careers in the mining industry relevant and attractive once again?

Presentation Title: Mining in Southern Africa and the 4th IR

Presentation Brief: Techno-Economic discussion on the impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on mining and careers in mining in Southern Africa, A joint debate between the Mining and Metallurgy Departments of the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Johannesburg.

About the Event: This event is held annually and has become the highlight of the Johannesburg Branch Calendar.

The debate will take the form of interdisciplinary teams from both participating institutions presenting their researched views and findings on a number of aspects of the 4th IR and its impact on the Industry, past, current and future.

The teams will have approximately 10-15 minutes to present a compelling case, which will then be judged by a panel representing the sponsors of the event.

The winning team will be presented with the inaugural John Luckmann Floating Trophy.

Following the debate, a cocktail and networking function will be held.



Kea Shumba
Membership & Branch Liaison Administrator
Telephone: +27 11 834 1273 l Facsimile: 086 684 0453


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