Date | 04 July 2019 |
- | 05 July 2019 |
Location | Accolades Boutique Venue, Midrand |
Resources |
Smart Mining Announcement and CFP 06032019.pdf
Smart Mining Photographic Exhibition 01042019.pdf Smart Mining Prelim Programm 27062019.pdf Smart Mining Reg form 07052019.pdf |
Society in general, and the economy in particular, is evolving at breakneck speed. Old jobs are being lost and new ones are constantly being created. It is likely that mines developed in the next ten years will have a very different staff complement to those currently in production. It is also clear that we are at tipping points for climate systems and for biodiversity: the challenges facing the extractive sector in the coming decades are likely to be much greater than anything in the past century. What does this mean for environmental management? How should we be planning mines to reduce environmental footprints? What skills do we need to do this? Which energy sources will be available and will they have an impact on production? Can we close mines in a way that ensures that viable postmining economies can be established? This conference bridges the gap between practitioners and decision-makers and managers in both the publiand private sectors. The intention is to transfer knowledge and to debate the big issues facing regulators, mining companies, labour, and communities in a way that identifi es solutions. The conference will consist of a number of invited keynote speakers who will focus on strategiissues, with the possibility of a workshop included.
The conference should be of interest to anyone working in or with the mining sector, including government and civil society organizations. It would be of particular relevance to advisors, consultants, practitioners, researchers, organized labour, government officials, and specialists working in the following areas:
1 April 2019 Submission of abstracts for paper / presentation
6 May 2019 Submission of papers / presentations
4–5 July 2019 Conference
Preliminary Programme Programme
Day 1 — Thursday 4 July 2019 |
07:30–08:30 | Registration & Morning Refreshments |
08:30–08:35 | Emergency Procedures Presentation |
08:35–08:50 | Welcome Address D. Limpitlaw, Conference Chairperson |
08:50–09:05 | SAIMM Presidential Address A.S. Macfarlane, Mandela Mining Precinct |
Session 1 — Industry 4.0 and the creativity imperative – driving environmental Performance |
Chairperson | |
09:05–09:30 | @ The Verge J. Courtnage, Deliberate Futures, South Africa |
09:30–09:55 | Current requirements for the future- and smart- connected mine J.-J. Verhaeghe, Mandela Mining Precinct, South Africa |
09:55–10:20 | Middelburg: How not to be the next Welkom? Embrace the 4th Industrial Revolution J. Limpitlaw and C. Mallinson, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa |
10:20–10:45 | Mining-impacted water as a valuable resource: technologies for values recovery J. Burgess, Isle Utilities, South Africa |
10:45–11:15 | Mid-morning Refreshments |
Session 2 — Modernizing the minerals sector to embrace values, people and the environment (WEF Theme) without sacrificing efficiency and production |
Chairperson | |
11:15–11:40 | Economic Complexity and Succession Planning in the SA Mining industry M. Solomon, University of Cape Town, South Africa |
11:40–12:05 | The fit and misfit between Mining 4.0 and Sustainable Development M. Hermanus, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa |
12:05–12:30 | Mining at the crossroads: Sectoral diversification to safeguard sustainable mining? W. de Lange1, B. de Wet1, L. Haywood1, W. Stafford1, C. Musvoto1, and I. Watson2, 1CSIR, 2University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
Session 3 — |
Chairperson | |
13:30–15:30 | Panel Discussions 1 — Social Challenges Facilitator P. Kapelus, South Africa |
15:30–15:35 | Closing Remarks |
15:35–16:30 | Network Refreshments |
Day 2 — Friday 5 July 2019 |
07:30–08:30 | Registration & Morning Refreshments |
08:30–08:35 | Emergency Procedures Presentation |
08:35–08:50 | Welcome Address D. Limpitlaw, Conference Chairperson |
Session 4 — Mining and poverty – increasing importance of offsets |
08:50–09:15 | Mining and processing of ornamental stones in context of job creation in rural South Africa E.Y. Fontama and A.F. Mulaba, University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
09:15–09:40 | Is successful resettlement possible with such divergent lender, private sector and community demands and expectations? A. Hart, Sustainable Futures (Pty) Ltd, South Africa |
09:40–10:10 | The role of innovation in the conversion of Invasive Alien Plant biomass into products for rehabilitating mining land while restoring livelihoods G. Barnes, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa |
10:10–10:40 | Mid-morning Refreshments |
Session 5 — Social and environmental performance as a value driver, not a cost centre |
10:40–11:05 | Community development agreement and its applicability to Finnish Mining Context J.M. Kotilainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
11:05–11:30 | Importance of competent assessment of and reporting on socio- environmental liability T. Steele-Schober, Uvuna Sustainability, South Africa |
11:30–11:55 | Development of the Socio-Economic Technology Initiative (SETI) platform to create a commonly rec- ognised evidence base that can be used as a basis for better development planning T. Cooper, Mining Dialogues 360, South Africa |
11:55–12:20 | Investigate the leadership capabilities that will drive modernization of the coal mining sector through the fourth industrial revolution J. Venter, Exxaro, South Africa |
12:20–13:20 | Lunch |
Session 6 — |
13:20–13:45 | Mining without biodiversity loss The Biodiversity Protocol J. Houdet, Biodiversity Disclosure Project, South Africa |
13:45–14:15 | Afternoon Refreshments |
14:15–16:00 | Panel Discussion 2 — Environmental Challenges Moderator J. Courtnage |
16:00–16:05 | Conference Closure |
This conference is organised by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts for papers, presentations, video clips, podcasts, industrial theatre, sound bites and workshop topics in English for this conference, (an ISBN number will be allocated for papers published).
Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Yolanda Ndimande, Conference Co-ordinator E-mail:
The 2019 SAIMM Mining Environment and Society Conference – Smart Mining, Smart Environment, Smart Society – has a distinct ‘future feel’. Rather than hark back to the past in requesting poster presentations, this year the SAIMM Organizing Committee invites submissions of photographs that best demonstrate the themes associated with the conference. The fundamental theme to be judged is how well the picture demonstrates the future positive environmental legacy of mining.
Photographs can be submitted without the photographer attending the conference: in this case, there is no submission fee. Anyone who wishes to attend the conference and display a photograph will be charged the normal conference attendance fee.
All photographs accepted will become the property of SAIMM. These photographs will be loaded onto a database, to be accessed and available to all SAIMM members, with appropriate credit to the photographers.
Photographs need not be taken by a professional photographer: amateur submissions are encouraged. Participants are required to send a low-resolution pdf of their submission, along with the attached completed form, to Ms Yolanda Ndimande ( by 6 May, following which they will be informed of their successful entry within two weeks. Successful participants are then required to print their own photographs and bring them
to the conference on the day.
The photographs will be judged during the secon day of the conference. There will be three categories of winners, each receiving a token award:
Photograph Requirements
Adjudication Criteria
Sponsorship opportunities are available.
Companies wishing to sponsor or exhibit should contact the Conference Co-ordinator.
Yolanda Ndimande,
Conference Co-ordinator, SAIMM
P O Box 61127, Marshalltown 2107 ·
Tel: +27 (0) 11 834-1273/7