The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Smart Mining, Smart Environment, Smart Society

Date 04 July 2019
- 05 July 2019
Location Accolades Boutique Venue, Midrand
Resources Smart Mining Announcement and CFP 06032019.pdf
Smart Mining Photographic Exhibition 01042019.pdf
Smart Mining Prelim Programm 27062019.pdf
Smart Mining Reg form 07052019.pdf
We are no longer accepting registration for this event



Society in general, and the economy in particular, is evolving at breakneck speed. Old jobs are being lost and new ones are constantly being created. It is likely that mines developed in the next ten years will have a very different staff complement to those currently in production. It is also clear that we are at tipping points for climate systems and for biodiversity: the challenges facing the extractive sector in the coming decades are likely to be much greater than anything in the past century. What does this mean for environmental management? How should we be planning mines to reduce environmental footprints? What skills do we need to do this? Which energy sources will be available and will they have an impact on production? Can we close mines in a way that ensures that viable postmining economies can be established? This conference bridges the gap between practitioners and decision-makers and managers in both the publiand private sectors. The intention is to transfer knowledge and to debate the big issues facing regulators, mining companies, labour, and communities in a way that identifi es solutions. The conference will consist of a number of invited keynote speakers who will focus on strategiissues, with the possibility of a workshop included.