Dr Ferdi Camisani - Retirement from SAIMM Activities
On behalf of all the members of the SAIMM, the President, Dr Gordon Smith wishes to acknowledge Dr Ferdi Camisani's enormous contribution to the standing of the Institute and South Africa in the global minerals industry over many years. Dr Camisani's contributions include:
• Attendance of the CMMI meeting in 1997 which established a set of standard reporting definitions which became known as the Denver Accord and which still remain today the backbone of international reporting standards.
• Chairpersonship from its inception in 1996 of the Main Working Group which compiled the content for the first publication of the SAMREC Code in March 2000
• Participation in the CMMI committee which was responsible for the adoption of the definitions in the Denver Accord by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) in its International Framework Classification for Reserves and Resources – Solid Fuels and Mineral Commodities.
• Participation in October 2003 in Reston VA of the meeting which saw the formation of the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO).
• Continued attendance, as a CRIRSCO representative, up until May 2012 of the many sessions under the auspice of the Sustainable Energy Division of the UNECE. Notable amongst this was your membership of the Bureau for the Expert Group on Resource Classification working on a classification framework for solid minerals and the oil and gas industry.
• Continued representation of South Africa and the SAMREC Code on the CRIRSCO committee from its inception in 2002 until 2012. This included meeting in Chile, China and Russia and the UK where you gained the respect of the many people you came in contact with and in doing so enhanced the reputation of professionals in the SAIMM and in South Africa.
• Representation of the SAIMM over many years, which included presentation of papers, at the annual Application of Computer and Operations Research in the Minerals Industry (APCOM) annual conference.
• Lecturing at the University of Pretoria in Geostatistics a field in which you were a recognized leader.
Dr Camisani has had an illustrious career of which he can be justifiably proud; a career which has influenced many people around the world. Dr Smith would like to thank Dr Camisani for his contribution to the SAIMM and to the professionals in the minerals industry in South Africa. May he have a happy retirement, it is well deserved.
Dr Gordon Smith
SAIMM President 2012-2013
Released: 24 August 2012