The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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The Mandela Mining Precinct is working towards the revitalization of mining research, development and innovation in South Africa, to ensure the sustainability of the industry.

Meet the two co-directors: Navin Singh and Alastair Macfarlane in the video below. The Mandela Mining precinct is a public-private collaboration between the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (DHESI); and the Minerals Council of South Africa (MCSA).

Jurgens Visser – Test Mine Programme Manager
The Mandela Mining Precinct together with the Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEMSA) is proud to announce the establishment of South Africa’s first test mine. The test mine, located in Rustenburg, will facilitate industrial training, technology demonstration, and technology incubation. The Test Mine is co-funded by the Minerals Council of South Africa and the Department of Trade and Industry, through the Mandela Mining Precinct.
Jurgens Visser is the Mandela Mining Precinct programme manager responsible for the test mine.

Sherin Ramparsad - (SATCAP) Programme Manager

The Mandela Mining Precinct’s Successful Application of Technologies Centred Around People (SATCAP) programme, one of the six programmes of the South African Mining, Extraction, Research, Development and Innovation (SAMERDI) strategy, places people at the centre of all mining-related activities. The programme serves as an integrating function across all the SAMERDI programmes.

The approach of the programme is deeply rooted in two principles: The fundamental dignity and wisdom inherent in every participant in the minerals value chain; and the understanding that nothing will be done “for us, without us”. The programme therefore encourages full and active participation by all stakeholders in the sector. Meet the programme manager, Sherin Ramparsad in the video.


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