Date | 24 October 2023 |
- | 25 October 2023 |
Location | Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Johannesburg |
Resources |
1529 FAMP Invite_Technical Visit-21092023.pdf
Tailings Conference 2023 Announcement & CFP 20022023.pdf Tailings Conference Sponsorship Prospectus-27072023.pdf Tailings Preliminary Programme-11102023.pdf Tailings Technical Visit Announcement 16082023.pdf |
The SAIMM is proud to announce its 3rd conference around the topic of Tailings. Since the inaugural conference, which raised the profile of tailings and encouraged collaboration between the various role players in the tailings industry, and the 2nd conference, which focused on embracing the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), there has been much progress. Progress in terms of a better understanding of the requirements and implications of the GISTM, progress in terms of improved geotechnical understanding of how tailings dams work, progress in terms of involving stakeholders and progress in terms of working towards improved safety performance through compliance with the GISTM.
There have unfortunately also been further tailings dam failures, which suggests that there is still work to be done and lessons to be learnt.
This conference focuses on the future of tailings for the next generation. In a future of new standards, expectations and possibilities - what opportunities exist? And on the flip side, what are the residual risks? How can tailings be reduced, reclaimed or reused? How can existing technologies be improved, and new technologies become the new normal. What impacts, once considered acceptable, are no longer accepted, and how do we best address these?
Join us in exploring these exciting topics in a forum with participation with all the key role players in the tailings industry.
Le SAIMM a le plaisir de présenter sa troisième conférence sur le thème des résidus miniers. Des progrès considérables ont été réalisés depuis la conférence inaugurale, qui a permis de mieux faire connaître les résidus miniers et d’encourager la collaboration entre les différents acteurs de l’industrie, suivie de la deuxième conférence, qui s’est concentrée sur l’adoption de la norme industrielle mondiale sur la gestion des résidus miniers (Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management - GISTM). En effet, une meilleure compréhension des exigences et des implications du GISTM, une meilleure compréhension géotechnique du fonctionnement des digues à stériles, l’implication des parties prenantes et l’amélioration des performances en matière de sécurité grâce à la conformité au GISTM sont autant de progrès réalisés.
Malheureusement, on a constaté de nouvelles ruptures de digues à stériles, une situation qui indique qu’il y a encore du travail à faire et des lacunes à combler.
Cette troisième conférence porte sur l’avenir des résidus miniers dans l’optique de la prochaine génération. Dans un contexte de nouvelles normes, perspectives et possibilités, quelles sont les opportunités qui s’offrent à nous ? Et inversement, quels sont les risques résiduels ? Comment les résidus miniers peuvent-ils être réduits, récupérés ou réutilisés ? Comment améliorer les technologies existantes et faire en sorte que les nouvelles technologies deviennent la nouvelle norme ? Quels impacts, autrefois considérés comme acceptables, ne le sont plus, et comment y remédier au mieux ?
Rejoignez-nous pour explorer ces sujets passionnants dans un forum avec la participation de tous les acteurs clés de l’industrie des résidus.
A SAIMM tem o orgulho de anunciar a sua 3ª conferência sobre o tema de rejeitos. Desde a conferência inaugural, que elevou o perfil dos rejeitos e incentivou a colaboração entre os vários atores da indústria de rejeitos, e a 2ª conferência, que se concentrou na adoção da Norma industrial global para a gestão de rejeitos (Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management - GISTM), houve muitos progressos.
Progressos em termos de uma melhor compreensão dos requisitos e implicações do GISTM, progressos em termos de uma melhor compreensão geotécnica do funcionamento das barragens de rejeitos, progressos em termos de envolvimento das partes interessadas e progressos em termos de trabalho para melhorar o desempenho de segurança através do cumprimento do GISTM.
Infelizmente, também se registaram mais falhas nas barragens de rejeitos, o que sugere que ainda há trabalho a fazer e lições a aprender.
Esta conferência centra-se no futuro dos rejeitos para a próxima geração. Num futuro de novas normas, expectativas e possibilidades - que oportunidades existem? E quais são os riscos residuais? Como é que os rejeitos podem ser reduzidos, recuperados ou reutilizados? Como é que as tecnologias existentes podem ser melhoradas e as novas tecnologias podem tornar-se o novo normal? Que impactos, outrora considerados aceitáveis, já não são aceites e qual a melhor forma de os abordar?
Junte-se a nós para explorar estes temas interessantes num fórum com a participação de todos os principais intervenientes no sector dos rejeitos.
Papers or presentations are invited on any topic related to the conference. Prospective authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers in English. The abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should be submitted to:
Camielah Jardine, Head of Conferencing
Tel: +27 (11) 538 0237
• ICMM document: tailings reduction roadmap 2022
• Sustainability
• Future of Tails
• Closures
• Rehabilitation
• Risks associated with upsteam dams and mitigation
• New Technologies
• Impact on Communities
• Implementation of the GISTM and compliance
• Deep dive into tailingsdam failures and learning
• SANS10286 update
• Ownerless tailings (legal perspective)
• Legislation and tailings compliance (Junior Miners)
• The reasons for failures and important learnings
• Risk management and processes for TSFs
• The role of the regulatory authority - SANS 10286
• The view of industry
• Stakeholder engagement and affected communities
• An integrated knowledge base created through case studies and learnings
• Design, construction and operation of TSFs
• Monitoring of TSFs in real-time : internal, external and satellite imagery
• Management, governance and reporting of TSFs
• Emergency response and long term recovery
• Public disclosure and access to information
• Environmental impacts
• Modelling and simulation
• Research and the possibility of mining with no tailings
• Remining of Remining of legacy TSFs
• Case studies.
26 OCTOBER 2023
Elikhulu TSF: Cyclone operated, lined TSF with an Upper and Lower compartment simultaneously operated. Average monthly tonnes = 900 000t/m.
Elikhulu Phase 2 Construction: A new TSF on the old Kinross Dam 1 footprint in construction phase – viewable from Elikhulu TSF. Planned for 260 000t/m
Leslie Re-mining: Hydraulic Remining operations mining 1,200 000t/m
Programme: 09h00 to 12h30
• Site specific induction at the Operator’s Office/entrance to Elikhulu TSF.
• Drive in convoy to various look-out positions including RWD, Silt Traps, Catwalks and deposition operations. Stop at division wall overlooking the construction site and return along solution trench to office area.
• Drive to Leslie Remining operations (+- 6km) and observe critical remining operations.
• Refreshments to be served at Leslie Remining Boardroom.
Cost: R600 per person. Please book and confirm by 25 September. Seats are limited.
26 October 2023
Ntshovelo Colliery is located 70km east of Johannesburg in the Delmas district, and it is part of Mbuyelo Coal. The CHPP treats 2 million tons of coal per annum. The facility incorporates: ROM crushing plant, DMS cyclone module, coal fines spiral circuit, water recovery circuit using a thickener and filter press.
Programme: 09h00 to 12h30
Return to plant offices where refreshments will be served
Cost: R600 per person. Please book and confirm by 25 September. Seats are limited.
R9 500,00
Early Non SAIMM/SAGA/GSSA Member
R10 000,00
R10 000,00
R11 500,00
R6 500,00
R2 000,00
Retired Member
R2 000,00
Metcourt Hotel at Emperors Palace - Profitroom Booking Engine
Mondior Hotel at Emperors Palace - Profitroom Booking Engine
For more information please contact:
Camielah Jardine, Head of Conferencing
Tel: +27 (11) 538 0237