Updated April 2013
Quorum for AGM and SGM |
C1.1 The quorum for all AGM and SGM of the Institute shall be fifteen (15) Corporate members personally present. Subject to the provisions of Clause 6.7 of the Constitution, a simple majority of votes of Members present at the AGM or SGM shall carry any business before the meeting.
Voting at Meetings |
C1.2 Unless otherwise laid down, every question, other than amendments to or additions to the Constitution, submitted to any meeting, in accordance with clause 6.7 and/or 6.8 shall, in the first instance, be decided by a show of hands of the members entitled to vote. A poll may be demanded by any six (6) Corporate members and shall thereupon be taken forthwith and be supervised by two (2) scrutineers appointed by the meeting. The Chairperson of any meeting shall have a deliberative vote and, in addition, a casting vote in the event of a tied ballot.
Postal Votes |
C1.2.1 In the event of a postal vote, as prescribed in Clauses 6.7and 6.8 the Manager shall, within fourteen (14) days after any Special General Meeting or meeting of the Council at which it is decided to take a vote by post, forward to each member entitled to vote a ballot paper which shall contain the resolution on which the members is required to vote. The ballot paper shall be completed in the members’ own handwriting and returned to the Manager in order to reach him/her not later than forty (40) calendar days after the date of the aforesaid meeting. If the ballot paper is received after the said period, the vote will not be recognised.
Chairman of Meetings |
C1.3 The President or, in his/her absence, a member of Office Bearers, or, in the absence of all Office Bearers, a member elected by the meeting shall take the Chair at the AGM or SGM of the Institute.
Introduction of Visitors |
C1.4 Visitors may be introduced by members at the Annual General Meetings. With the consent of the Chairperson, visitors may take part in any discussion but may not participate in any voting.
Reference to matters contained in By-Law C can be found as follows in the Constitution:
Clause 6.4 Notices of Annual /Special General meetings
Clause 6.6 Voting by Proxy
Clause 6.7 Amendments to the Constitution
Clause 6.8 Winding-up of the Institute