Updated June 2013
D1.1 In accordance with Clause 3.29 of the Constitution, the Council may delegate some or all of its duties related to publications to a Publications Committee.
D1.2 The Publications Committee shall be constituted annually from members of the Institute and shall report to the Council.
Printed publications |
D2.1 The Institute publishes printed information in The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The Journal), in conference proceedings, and in books.
Purpose of publications |
D2.2 The purpose of the publications of the Institute shall be to disseminate high-quality technical information that is of relevance to the mineral and metal industries.
SAIMM Journal requirements |
D2.3 The Journal shall be published twelve times a year. In addition, special editions may be published. Technical papers in The Journal may cover original research, review articles, or descriptions of plants, processes, or operations. Submissions of technical papers to The Journal are encouraged from authors in any country. Papers that are submitted to The Journal shall be peer reviewed by at least two referees who have a good knowledge of the subject. The Journal shall have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and an international advisory board that reflects expertise in a wide range of subjects of relevance to the mining and metallurgical industries. The Journal shall be freely distributed to all members of the Institute. Organisations and businesses may subscribe to The Journal at a cost that is determined by the Publications Committee.
Conference proceedings |
D2.4 When technical conferences are held by the Institute, proceedings of the conferences should be published, whenever it is feasible to do so. If the organising committee of the conference decides to publish peer-reviewed proceedings, there shall be a statement to that effect, with the names of the reviewers, in the proceedings book. Acceptance of papers for a conference shall be made with due regard to maintaining the high standards of the Institute.
Papers and contributions |
D2.5 Papers and other contributions to The Journal or to conferences should be submitted, as far as possible, in a form and style that is recommended by the ‘Guidelines for Authors’ set out by the Institute. All papers and contributions communicated to the Institute, along with drawings and other illustrations, shall become the property of the Institute, except in the case of a paper’s rejection or unless stipulation is made to the contrary. Authors shall not be at liberty, save by permission of the Council, to publish or cause or allow to be published any contributions prior to their publication in The Journal or conference proceedings.
Rejection of papers |
D2.6 Should a paper or contribution be rejected, it shall not be incumbent upon the Publications Committee to give its reason for so doing.
Acknowledgement |
D2.7 Appropriate acknowledgements to the SAIMM shall be made by the authors where papers or contributions that are published in The Journal or in conference proceedings, or extracts thereof, are reproduced in other publications.
Permission |
D2.8 No members of the Institute shall make use of any portion of the Institute’s publications in a published document connected with a business undertaking unless he/she has obtained the written permission of the Council and that of each individual speaker or writer concerned. The infraction of this by-law will be regarded by the Council as justifying action under Clause 2.9 of the Constitution.
Claims re advantages of method or devices |
D2.9 No statement claiming advantages for any original method or technology shall be published in any publication of the Institute unless such statement can be supported by an adequate description and justification of the method or technology to which reference is made.
Books |
D2.10 Books may be published from time to time, by permission of the Council, where high-quality content is available, and they are judged to be of sufficient merit and relevance to the mineral and metal industry.
Website |
D3.1 The Institute shall maintain a website ( for the electronic dissemination of information via the Internet.
E-mail of Journal contents |
D3.2 All technical papers that appear in The Journal shall be published on the SAIMM website, as soon as they are ready for printed publication, and a notice shall be sent to all members by e-mail, containing the contents of each Journal with links to each of the papers.
Conference proceedings on website |
D3.3 All papers that appear in the SAIMM conference proceedings shall be published on the SAIMM website after a suitable period of time has elapsed following the conference.
Open access |
D3.4 All Journal and conference papers shall be made freely available to anyone anywhere in the world who has a connection to the Internet (i.e. open access). The Institute shall actively promote the widespread dissemination of its publications via search engines and electronic databases.
Advertising |
D4.1 The Publications Committee shall engage the services of an advertising consultant to manage the process and maintain the appropriate advertising standards for advertisements that are placed in The Journal.