The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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A New Chair In Occupational Hygiene At Wits

The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University) has received an investment of R15 million from Anglo American for a new research chair, to be known as the Anglo American Endowed Chair in Occupational Hygiene, in the Wits School of Public Health in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The Chair will conduct research, and engage in other scholarly activities, with the aim of decreasing employee exposure to dust, noise, and other health hazards in mining and other industries, thereby contributing to employee wellbeing.

Society of Mining Professors - Societät der Bergbaukunde

The Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) was established in 1990 during a special inaugural meeting hosted by the Montanuniversität in Leoben, Austria. The Society is considered the natural successor of the historic Societät der Bergbaukunde, which was formed in the early 18th century and is recognized as the world's first international scientific society. Since its inception, the Society has functioned primarily as a European entity representing senior academics in the mining engineering discipline.

Journal - ECSA, GDID, and UJ sign a Memorandum of Agreement

The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (GDID), and the University of Johannesburg (UJ), have entered into a memorandum of understanding aimed at supporting and coaching engineering students at UJ who are recipients of the GDID bursaries. This tripartite initiative follows GDID’s recognition of the need to mentor first- and second-year students, the majority of whom fail to complete their qualifications as they are unprepared for the level of academic commitment required when studying engineering. This has been linked back to the need for stronger life-skills support, and ECSA, as the custodian of the engineering profession in South Africa, has designed the pilot model for the support of students in partnership with both the GDID and UJ.

Journal - Committed to caring enough to make a difference

The University of the Witwatersrand - The University of the Witwatersrand has received a R12. 5 million donation from Sibanye Gold Limited towards mining and engineering education.

At a handover ceremony held on 25 July 2014 at the Sibanye Gold Academy on the West Rand, Professor Beatrys Lacquet, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Knowledge, Information and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, received the donation on behalf of the University from Sibanye Gold Chief Executive Officer Neal Froneman. Said Lacquet: ‘This generous donation provides the opportunity for Wits to offer additional student support with respect to needy and deserving students. It will also enable us to further progress our Digital Mine Research Project, while also affording us the much-needed funds to extend the laboratory facilities in the Richard Ward building for the chemical and metallurgical engineering students.’

Case of Kamoto Copper Company

Management of a mining complexe with a mixture of ores (oxyde, mixed and sulphide ores) from mining to processing-Case of Kamoto Copper Company SAIMM DRC Branch Event

SANCOT News - SANCOT and the International Tunnelling Association (ITA)

The South African National Committee on Tunnelling (SANCOT) was formed in 1973 during a phase of extensive infrastructure development in South Africa, in particular the construction of the Orange-Fish tunnel. This followed the success of the 1970 TUNCON conference in Durban, after which it was decided that it would be useful to form a body covering the interests of owners, designers, contractors, researchers, and suppliers in the underground construction industry. SANCOT has been active since this time, promoting the use of underground space, exchanging information, and arranging conferences and seminars.

SANCOT News - Advancement in Vertical Tunnelling in Mining

Design and construction of vertical tunnels, more commonly referred to as shaft sinking, continues to rely on particular methodologies that are selected in response to a combination of site requirements, cost models, and available technology. Industry best practice in horizontal tunnelling is well researched and documented; however, changing demands for efficient, quick, and correctly risk-managed shaft sinking projects have revealed the need for similar documented best practice in vertical tunnelling.

Are Efforts to Mechanise SA Mines too Focused on Machinery Rather than Technology?

Presidential Address: SAIMM AGM
Date: 13th August 2014
By: Prof Jim Porter

Introduction: Challenge and Oportunity

  • According to Statistics South Africa (SA) the current unemployment rate is 25.5% of the workforce
  • This includes 10 million people subject to high levels of poverty
  • SA is currently number two on the world's Geni index that measures the disparity between high and low income earners.


  • The Chamber of Mines' South African Year Book, 2012/13: The value of SA's total metal and mineral reserves "remain some of the world's most valuable, with an estimated worth of R20.5 trillion ($2.5 trillion)".

Download the full Presidential address here (PDF, 1.2MB)

SANCOT News - Report back on the ITA 2014 General Assembly Fortieth Annual Meeting held at Iguassu Falls, Brazil

The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) held its fortieth annual meeting in Iguassu Falls, Brazil, from 9 to 14 May 2014, in conjunction with the World Tunnel Congress 2014 ‘Tunnels for a Better Life’, organized by the ITA and the Brazilian Tunnelling Committee. More than 1500 persons participated in the conference. The Association registered 12 new Affiliate Members in the preceding year, which resulted in a total of 71 Member Nations and 285 Affiliate Members (taking into account some resignations). Fifty-two of the 71 Member Nations either participated or were represented in the General Assembly. Ron Tluczek, Chairperson of SANCOT, represented South Africa on behalf of the SANCOT Committee.

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