The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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TMS EPD Pyrometallurgy Best Paper Award

joalet4On the 28th of February 2017 Joalet Steenkamp, SAIMM Fellow, received the Extraction and Processing Division’s (EPD) Pyrometallurgy Best Paper Award on behalf of the authors of “Tap-Hole Life Cycle Design Criteria: A Case Study Based on Silicomanganese Production". The Award winning paper by J. D. Steenkamp, J. J. Sutherland, D. A. Hayman and J. Muller was published in JOM June 2016, Volume 68, Issue 6, pp 1547–1555. In the picture Dr Steenkamp is receiving the award from EPD Vice-President, Cindy Belt, in San Diego, California, USA.

L. R. Nelson was the first Extraction and Processing Division’s (EPD) Pyrometallurgy Best Paper award winner in 2015 followed by N. Tzouganatos, M. Dell’amico, C. Wieckert, J. Hinkley and A. Steinfeld in 2016.

Visit for more information regarding The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and the TMS journal JOM.

SAIMM Annual Banquet 2017

saimm banquet 2017On Saturday the 11th of March 2017 the SAIMM Annual Banquet was held at the Sandton Convention Centre. The programme for the evening included the presentation of certificates to Fellows who were elected in 2016, the announcement of the 5 Star Incentive Programme winners, a raffle for the Scholarship Trust Fund, a three course meal as well as performances by The Society of Mining Engineering Students (SMES) Choir. The sponsors of the banquet included Advisian, Anglo American , Anglo American Polokwane Smelter, Bara Consulting, CSIR, Detnet, Exxaro , FLSmidth, Ivanhoe Mines, Masimo Chemical Logistics, MineRP, Mintek, Multotec, ProProcess, Engineering, Redpath Mining, Sandvik - Mining & Rock Technology, Sehwai Exploration Drilling, Siyanda Resources, Sound Mining Solution, SRK Consulting, Theo Pegram & Associates, University of Johannesburg Dept of Mining Engineering and Mine Surveying, University of Pretoria - Dept of Mining Engineering, Wits School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering and Wits School of Mining Engineering.


Global Mineral Professionals Alliance (GMPA)

On the 3rd of February 2017 the Global Mineral Professionals Alliance (GMPA), which is made up of the AusIMM, CIM, IOM3, SME, IIMP and the SAIMM met in Somerset West, Western Cape for their annual meeting. During the meeting the revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed.The MoU can be viewed here.

The GMPA member institutes take a leadership role in the pursuit and continuing development of best practice professionalism in the minerals industries. Areas of focus include science, engineering, mineral processing, environmental stewardship, community engagement and mineral economics and finance. For more information regarding the GMPA visit

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) selects a photograph taken by Isabel J. Geldenhuys as the cover photo for the February 2017 JOM Journal: JOM, Vol. 69, Issue 2

Geldenhuyspic2‘I joined Mintek in 1996 as a recent chemical engineering graduate and started a journey of amazing discovery, namely the world of pyrometallurgy. While watching my first pilot furnace being tapped in 1996, a spark was ignited and I fell in love with the bubbling cauldron we call furnaces. In the February issue of JOM, I was privileged that my review paper on practical perspectives of DC smelting was accepted for publication. The paper reflects on the lessons learnt during my 20 years of operating DC furnaces. In my paper I featured a favourite photograph I took in 2004 during a large demonstration project. JOM’s editorial team spotted the photograph during production and subsequently requested permission to use the photograph on the cover of the current issue. This picture truly captures the passion and spark that ignited a love for smelting and continues to inspire me in my field of interest, and I hope it will inspire others in the future.’ – Isabel Geldenhuys, SAIMM Fellow and Manager of the Pyrometallurgy Division at MINTEK

Furnace Photography by SAIMM Fellow Joalet Steenkamp Selected for the JOM December Cover

furnace photographyStarting Fire, a photograph by Joalet Steenkamp, chief engineer of MINTEK’s Pyrometallurgy Division in Johannesburg, South Africa, has been chosen as the cover image for the December 2016 issue of JOM, the flagship technical journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS). The image presents the lancing of the tap-hole of the 1 MW furnace at MINTEK, South Africa on February 16th, 2016 (© Joalet Steenkamp).
Steenkamp, an avid photographer, specializes in close-up images of pyrometallurgical operations. The story of how she has developed as a photographic artist in capturing the drama and visually stunning beauty of the furnace is shared in the December 2016 JOM article, “Joalet Steenkamp Takes the Heat for Furnace Photography.”

‘I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to share with the international professional community my passion for pyrometallurgy and the beauty I see when I’m close to a furnace.’ – Joalet Steenkamp

New book release: Theoretical Rock Mechanics for Professional Practice by Matthew Handley

HANDLEYBOOKThe planned rock mechanics textbook is a synthesis of 22 classic texts on rock mechanics, solid mechanics, the author’s 15 years’ experience in rock mechanics in the gold mining industry, and 10 years as a professor at the University of Pretoria (1984-2009). Throughout this period, the author noted that all the introductory texts on stress and strain were incomplete in one way or another, and that this, together with the watereddown introductions to stress and strain currently accepted in the mining rock mechanics fraternity, forms a barrier to the rest of rock mechanics.

Obituary - Johannes Paulus Hoffman the Technical Father of 3CR12

J.P2Hannes Hoffman, a past President of the Institute, passed away on 16 August 2016 in hospital in George after a short illness.

Hannes Hoffman was born on 9 of March 1933. He obtained a BSc in iron and steel technology, a BSc (Hons) and MSc in metallurgy, as well as an MBA. After working at Iscor, the University of Pretoria and O’okiep Copper Co., he moved to Southern Cross Steel in 1973 to take up the position of head of Metallurgy, later called the manager of Materials Science. In 1988 he was transferred to New Process Development as manager and in 1995 he became the manager of Research and Development. From 1992 to 1993 he was the President of the South (now Southern) African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM). He retired in 1996.

Annual General Meeting, Thursday, 11 August 2016, Country Club Johannesburg

C. MusingwiniPRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Optimization in underground mine planning — developments and opportunities


The President and Council of the Institute invite members, their guests, and members of other constituent societies to attend the Annual General Meeting 2016.

Thursday, 11 August 2016
The Country Club, Johannesburg, Napier Road, Auckland Park, 2006
at 16:30
See map at the bottom of the page


The SAMCODES, the South African Mineral Reporting Codes, set out the minimum standards, recommendations and guidelines for the Public Reporting of mineral related issues in South Africa. They currently comprise three Codes, two Guideline documents and an affiliated National Standard:

a. SAMREC: The South African Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
b. SAMVAL: The South African Code for the Reporting of Mineral Asset Valuation
c. SAMOG: The South African Code for the Reporting of Oil and Gas Resources
d. Commodity, or subject, specific guidelines/standards:

i. SAMESG Guideline: The South African Guideline for the Reporting of Environmental, Social and Governance parameters within the mining and oil and gas industries
ii. SAMREC Diamond Guidelines: SAMREC Guideline Document for the Reporting of Diamond Exploration Results, Diamond Resources and Diamond Reserves (and other Gemstones, where Relevant)
iii. SANS 10320:2004: South African guide to the systematic evaluation of coal resources and coal reserves (currently under review). This document is a South African National Standard, published by the South African Bureau of Standards.

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