The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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World Leader in New Steel Research Visits the University of Pretoria

world leader11dec17

Photo: Prof Roelf Mostert, Sir Prof Harry Bhadeshia, Prof Charles Siyasiya, Prof Pieter Pistorius and Dr Johan Westraad

Next-generation bainitic steel with remarkable properties was the central theme of a colloquium hosted by the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Pretoria on the 4th of December 2017. Sir Harry Bhadeshia, a global leader in metallurgy and the Tata Steel Professor at Cambridge University, was the main speaker. Sir Prof Bhadeshia was on a visit to South Africa as a result of an application made by the Microscopy Society of Southern Africa and the trip was funded through a NRF instrument.

Report Calls for Open Standard for 3D Applications in Mining Industry

Image result for gmsgUser Interviews and Analysis Highlight Common Challenges

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 – A new report released by Global Mining Standards and Guideline Group (GMSG) says a survey of more than 18 3D software applications shows the users experience significant difficulties and delays working with the software, collaborating with peers and learning multiple proprietary programs. A solution to these difficulties is an Open Mining Format (OMF) that would encompass a set of guidelines and recommended steps.

Reliability Best practices and Benchmarking Survey: Please share your views

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You are invited to participate in a survey focused on prioritizing collaboration around Reliability Best Practices and Benchmarking. If you’re not the correct person within your organization, please pass this invitation to the appropriate person. Survey deadline is October 31.

The Reliability Working Group (RWG) of the Global Mining Standards and Guidelines Group is an operator focused group whose purpose is to promote knowledge and best practices sharing related to reliability in a mining context.

We are excited to announce that the SAIMM Online Journal system is now live!

saimm journal sept2017You can now submit manuscripts and peer reviews online. The OJS assists you with every step of the refereed publishing process, from submission through to online publication. Authors can also check the status of their papers online and referees will receive automated reminders for their reviews.
We request you to register as an Author and/or Referee on the system.  To access the website please follow the link:


WIM UJ Young Women in Mining Conference

ypc news sept172

On the 11th of August 2017 WIM UJ held its first Young Women in Mining Conference at the University of Johannesburg.

The SAIMM YPC attended the event in support of Young Women In Mining which aims at empowering the next generation of young women in the Industry.

Women in Mining UJ is currently the only female mining structure in the four South African mining schools.

WIM UJ has initiated the first annual young women in mining workshop in 2016 which was held by the Department of Mineral Resources and the Mine Health and Safety Council of South Africa, working in line with the mission and vision of WIMSA.

SAIMM President 2017/2018 – Prof Selo Ndlovu

Selo Ndlovu 2017On the 17th of August 2017 Prof Ndlovu was inducted as the SAIMM President for 2017/2018. The students and members attending the AGM welcomed her as president with applause. Prof Ndlovu is the second female president in SAIMM history.


Industry-Academic Collaborations: An Opportunity for the Minerals Industry during the Economic Downturn

Although collaborative partnerships between universities and the minerals industry have been ongoing for ages, the potential benefits that can be realized through such partnerships have become increasingly important and are more relevant now than ever. This is because the growing complexity of problems such as the depletion of rich and easy-to-treat ore deposits, rising production costs, water issues, and stringent environmental regulations, coupled with increasing economic pressure and hence budget cuts, has made it more difficult for companies to do all the necessary research in-house in order to remain globally competitive. Similarly, universities are continually faced with challenges such as a lack of steady financial support for their research and training programmes, as well as the need to have their research commercialized or applied to solve existing industry problems so as to enhance their reputations.

The SAIMM Young Professionals Council welcomes Sihe Nhleko as YPC Chairperson 2017/2018

ypc Sihe NhlekoAfter serving as YPC Chairperson since the establishment of the YPC two years ago, Tshepo Mmola (right) hands over to the YPC Chairperson 2017/2018 Sihe Nhleko (left).

Many impactful projects and events have successfully been implemented by the YPC in the past two years including a Graduate Employment Database, the Mentoring Programme, Soft Skills Workshops, an annual Career and Leadership Day and highly successful conferences such as the Entrepreneurship in Mining Forum and the Young Professionals Conference.

View more information regarding the YPC:

SAIMM Journal Management

The SAIMM is adopting a new system to manage the publication of the Journal. The Open Journal System (OJS) for journal management is a free, web-based platform that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project at the Simon Fraser University in British Columbia through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.

Our present system of handling the submissions to the Journal, the refereeing process, and the iteration that takes place between authors, reviewers, the Journal Coordinator, and proofreader is by e-mail, telephone, and paper.

Ivanplats, CanPro, and ‘Maru A Mokopane’ digitally activate communities

For South Africa’s communities to become economically active, it is essential that they have access to information and communication technology (ICT).

The long-lamented ‘digital divide’ remains alive and well, but an increasing number of companies are realizing the benefit of fast-tracking digital access for their workforce and neighbouring communities.

CanPro, a provider of digital workplace development and monitoring solutions, recently assisted mining company Ivanplats to do just that. Ivanplats’ Platreef platinum, gold, and nickel mining project is based in Mokopane, in South Africa’s Limpopo Province. Its operations are at the heart of a large community marked by socioeconomic challenges such as youth unemployment.

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