The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Russia's minerals took another step towards better access to global capital markets ...

19 October 2010: Russia's minerals industry took another step towards better access to global capital markets last month when it signed a protocol to bring its resource reporting systems in line with the CRIRSCO template recognised in most established capital markets.


Working in collaboration with the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) – an industry group that promotes best practice in mineral reporting standards – Russia's State Commission on Mineral Reserves (GKZ) plans to make it easier for prospective investors and financiers to evaluate mining projects in that country.

OneMine - Top 25 SAIMM Downloaded Papers


Top 25 Downloaded SAIMM Papers

During the course of 2011 the SAIMM arranged access for all SAIMM members to the website that contains a large database of technical papers to be downloaded.

The list below shows the top 25 most downloaded SAIMM papers across the world for the period of 3 January 2010 until the 31st of August 2011.

A Proud Monument For Central Johannesburg's South Western Improvement District


           URBAN GENESIS_004                                  URBAN GENESIS_005     

                               SOUTH WESTERN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT

Last weekend saw the exciting culmination of 18 months of planning with the arrival of an enormous 125 ton truck, all the way from Sishen Mine in the Northern Cape, to the city centre.

Eighteen months ago, a simple question sparked the imagination of the South Western Improvement District (SWID) board, "Why isn't there any street furniture in the SWID that speaks to mining in the present?"

With that the wheels were set in motion to source a piece of mining equipment that could become part of the SWID's mining theme. The result has been a massive donation by Anglo American and The Chamber of Mines of the 125 ton workhorse, known as a Unit Rig Mark 36 payload haul truck.

No Reason To Delay R9,5bn Spend on Skills Development

Ideal target is 12 500 artisans annually

Johannesburg: Friday 4th November 2011

South Africa's Further Education and Training (FET) system is better placed than ever to put state funds to good use and accelerate the delivery of critical middle-level skills – especially artisans – into the economy.

John Botha, executive director for strategy at Production Management Institute (PMI), says that with the overhaul of the FET college sector and of Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) over the past year, areas where interventions are most required have been identified.

MineSAFE 2011 Industry Awards Day


                                                                               MineSAFE 2011
                                                                               Industry Awards Day
                                                                                     19 August 2011

The organising committee and all delegates in attendance at the MineSAFE 2011 Industry Awards Day held on 19 August 2011 at the Emperors Palace, Hotel Casino Convention Resort in Johannesburg would like to congratulate the following award winners on their achievement.

SAIMM Annual General Meeting


THURSDAY, 11 August 2011 AT 16:30

The Annual General Meeting of the Institute is to be held at The Country Club, Johannesburg,
Napier Road, Auckland Park on Thursday, 11 August 2011 at 16:30 when
Professor Nielen van der Merwe will deliver his Presidential Address entitled:

‘The Role of the SAIMM and the Universities in the Future of the
South African Mining Industry’
Download the invitation with full details and directions here...

1. Welcome
2. Confirmation of minutes
3. Obituaries
4. Honorary Life Fellowship
5. Brigadier Stokes Memorial Award
6. Presentation of awards, medals, and certificates
7. Presentation of student prizes
8. Annual report of the Council and accounts for the year ended 30 June 2011
9. Declaration of election of office bearers and members of Council for the year 2011/2012
10. Election of auditors and honorary legal advisors for the year 2011/2012
11. General
12. Induction of President—J.N. van der Merwe
13. Presidential address
14. Vote of thanks
15. Photographs of all Council members

Comment On December 2010 Journal

The following comment was received on the December 2010 Journal paper on the retreatment by Mine Waste Solutions of residues at Buffelsfontein. If this comment is of interest to you, please visit the section on our website for the Johannesburg Branch events and Ms Mariette Liefferink’s presentation on acid mine drainage...

Leadership Required In SA Platinum Industry

Leadership required in SA platinum industry
12 October 2010

Extracts from a speech by Niall Carroll, Chief Executive Officer, RBH

A call for leadership in the South African platinum mining industry transcending vested interests, was made today by Royal Bafokeng Holdings (RBH) CEO Niall Carroll.

RBH is the wholly-owned investment vehicle of the Royal Bafokeng Nation (RBN), a 300 000-strong, Setswana-speaking community with substantial land holdings in the platinum-rich Rustenburg area of South Africa. The company holds and manages the community’s investments in platinum and chrome mining and other sectors, currently worth more than R30 billion.

Carroll’s call was contained in a presentation he delivered today at the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy’s International Platinum Conference in Sun City.

Presidential Address: How Electronics Can Release The Imagination


It is self-evident that economic pressure demands that today’s mines stay ahead and stay competitive. The challenge, however, is to find fresh approaches in the quest to attain maximum efficiency and optimal operational effectiveness.

IASB Discussion Paper, Extractive Activities

IASB Discussion Paper, Extractive Activities. Comments would be welcome. Industry forums will be arranged to formalize comments from the SSC and the SAIMM”.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published today the results of an international research project on a possible future International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for extractive activities in the form of a discussion paper – Extractive Activities.
A research team comprising members of the Australian, Canadian, Norwegian and South African accounting standard-setters analysed and discussed accounting for extractive activities with a wide range of stakeholders in order to identify a possible approach for a standard on the accounting for extractive activities. The discussion paper only contains the views of the project team – it does not represent the views of the Board. After considering the responses received on the discussion paper, the Board will decide whether to add the project to its active agenda.

Read full story here...

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