The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Special Article

Mike Deats graduated from Wits in 1954 with a degree in mining engineering and began his career with De Beers. A move to Iscor saw him rise to a position where he was responsible for all of Iscorʼs mining activities. He joined BP Southern Africa as Managing Director, BP Coal SA, in 1981 before moving to Eskom in 1988, where he reached the position of Executive Director, Generation, prior to his retirement in 2000.

Spotlight - Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium SHIRMS 2012

SHIRMS 2012 (Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium) was held at Sun City from May 14 to 17. This is the second in a series, which was started by the Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG) in Perth in October 2008. The purpose of the Symposium was to provide an international forum to present and discuss the latest developments in rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. The Symposium was attended by 165 delegates, of whom 24 were international, hailing from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Japan, Mozambique, Namibia, Norway, Switzerland, Thailand, and USA.

Spotlight - Partnership puts SA’s research on global stage

ANEW partnership between academic publishers would make South African academic research more visible in the global research sphere, the Academy of Science of SA (Assaf) said this week.

Thomson Reuters, one of the main academic research databases in the world, has partnered with the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), an open-source database, Assaf announced. This partnership will be implemented in January next year.

Spotlight - ZrTa2011 New Metals Development Network Conference

12–14 October 2011 • Mount Grace Country House & Spa • Magaliesburg

T he Advanced Metals Initiative (AMI) of the South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) facilitates research, development, and innovation across the whole value chain in the field of advanced metals. The goal is to achieve sustainable local mineral beneficiation and to increase the downstream value-addition of local advanced metals in a sustainable manner through industry-relevant research and development, technology transfer, and ultimately, commercialization.

MineSAFE 2012 Industry Awards Day

MineSafe2012 Logo
Industry Awards Day
03 August 2012

The organising committee and all delegates in attendance at the MineSAFE 2012 Industry Awards Day held on 03 August 2012 at the Emperors Palace, Hotel Casino Convention Resort in Johannesburg would like to congratulate the following award winners on their achievement.

 DSC 0061lr
Prof. N van der Merwe (SAIMM President),
Hon. Min. S Shabangu (Minister of Mineral Resources), Ms J Matsobane (Women in Mining Award Winner)

 JTRyan Award
Mr R Opperman (JT Ryan Award Winner Lonmin Platinum 4B/1B Shaft), Mr D Msiza (Chief Inspector of Mines, DMR),Mr G Du Plessis (Solidarity)

Annual General Meeting and Cocktail Party


Wednesday, 15 August 2012 AT 16:30

The Annual General Meeting of the Institute is to be held
at The Johannesburg Country Club, Napier Road, Auckland Park on Wednesday,
15 August 2012 at 16:30

when Dr Gordon Smith will deliver his Presidential Address entitled:
'Strategic long-term planning in mining'

A cocktail party will be held after the meeting from 18:00 to 20:00
Download Dr Smith synopsis and resume, agenda and map

Outotec "Sustainability in the Minerals Industry" prize


The SAIMM Western Cape Branch

Outotec "Sustainability in the Minerals Industry" prize

The Western Cape Branch of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy are pleased to announce the Outotec "Sustainability in the Minerals Industry" prize.

This prize will be given for papers, accompanied by a poster, presented by students registered at a South African tertiary institution at the Branch's annual conference.


Southern African Mineral Beneficiation and Metallurgy Conference
2-3 August 2012, Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town

The award of prizes will be adjudicated by a panel of judges appointed by the SAIMM, Western Cape Branch, whose decision will be final.

The main consideration for the prize will be the value of the idea (technologically, economically, socially, and environmentally) and its potential to improve sustainability. Credit will be given for the quality, innovation and excellence of the project, design or engineering of the idea. Thus contributions can come from any level of student as long as the abstract, presentation and poster clearly presents the merit dictated by this criteria.

Prizes of 1st R10 000, 2nd R6 000 and 3rd R4 000 will be awarded at the discretion of the Judges.

Update of the South African Mineral Asset Valuation Code (SAMVAL)

                        Update of the South African Mineral Asset Valuation Code

The Institute has reconvened the SAMVAL Working Group, in order to conduct a review and update of the SAMVAL Code.

This work has been initiated as a result of certain inconsistencies in the current Code, but also as a result of a number of external activities and events that have created the need for the update.

Mine Planning and Design Qualifications

                                              Mine Planning and Design Qualifications

For several years now, the Institute has supported the development of qualifications in the Mine Planning and Design area, through the establishment of a Mine Planning and Design Industry Forum.

This Forum was convened with membership invited from the major mining companies and technical software suppliers, as well as the providers of learning.

The need to develop these qualifications arose from the realisation that, apart from undergraduate mining engineering qualification, no such qualifications exist. Furthermore, mine planning was seen as an area of "scarce skills", particularly in the tabular mining environment, and that the creation of a legitimate and attractive career path was essential, to attract and retain competent planners.



Kindly note that the JORC website:  was recently amended.

The JORC Executive decided to extend the deadline for submissions as a result of agreement between JORC and ASX to provide mutual briefings of the outcomes of the consultation processes prior to any public release of information.

The date for submissions to JORC and ASX is now 27 January 2012.

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