The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Building a Robust Mineral Industry

Date 03 August 2017
- 04 August 2017
Location Cresta Lodge, Msasa, Harare
Resources Building a robust mineral industry Reg Form 28062017.pdf
Building a robust mineral industry Second Announcement 15062017.pdf


The SAIMM Zimbabwe Branch are proud to host


Driving under prolonged low commodity price environment

3–4 August 2017
Cresta Lodge, Msasa, Harare

Mineral products remain pivotal to the development of the global economy, despite experiencing prolonged periods of low mineral commodity prices in recent times. Stakeholders in the industry have responded with innovative practices and technologies that continue to build a robust industry that not only survives but thrives under ‘the new normal’ commodity price environment.