The Journal serves as a medium for the publication of high quality scientific papers. This requires that the papers that are submitted for publication are properly and fairly refereed and edited. This process will maintain the high quality of the presentation of the paper and ensure that the technical content is in line with the accepted norms of scientific integrity.
Publications Report and Statistics for the Financial Year 2017/2018
The breakdown of papers published during the year and previous years as follows:
Year |
Mining |
Metallurgy |
Other |
Total |
2018 |
64 |
72 |
5 |
141 |
2017 |
87 |
41 |
7 |
135 |
2016 |
59 |
76 |
2 |
137 |
Of the 141 papers published in 2017/18, 58 were from outside South Africa. The rejection rate of papers received was 31%. There were seven themed editions of the Journal during the year.
The Institute continued to deliver on one of its key objectives, that of disseminating scientific and technical knowledge to the benefit of the minerals industries. Technical and scientific knowledge was shared through the Journal, which is published monthly and distributed to all members either electronically or through the post.
There continues to be a significant drop in the demand for the hard copy, and it is hoped that this trend will continue. Significant highlights from the Publications Department include the following.
There were eight themed issues of the Journal with papers for these publications being drawn from various conferences. This is a testament that our conferences not only attract high-quality speakers, but also high-quality papers and presentations that can be converted to Journal papers.
The introduction of the Open Journal System (OJS) for managing and reviewing the papers submitted for publication to the SAIMM Journal. This is part of benchmarking the Institute against international standards and makes the submission and reviewing process much more efficient and easier for both the authors and the reviewers.
Indexing of our Journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). This is expected to benefit the Institute and its members through increased dissemination, and hence a wider audience for published papers and better visibility for the authors.
Completion of a peer review of the Journal by the Committee on Scholarly Publishing in South Africa under the direction of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), which concluded that our Journal should continue to be listed on the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) list of accredited journals.
A year-on-year improvement of 10% in our Journal Impact Factor and a source normalized impact per paper (SNIP) factor of 0.8. This is a clear indication that our Journal is finding a wider readership with each passing year.