The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors.
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Review and revision procedure

The Journal utilises a double-blind review process. The quality of the initial manuscript will be assessed by at least two reviewers nominated by the Publications Committee. The reviewers will recommend acceptance, provisional acceptance with revision, or rejection. Where appropriate, the reviewer’s comments and suggestions will be returned to the principal author so that the paper can be revised. After revision, the paper must be returned to the Journal co-ordinator who will ensure that all the recommended changes have been carried out to the satisfaction of the reviewers and the Publications Committee.

The review process is a blind review, and authors are only permitted to contact reviewers through the Publications Co-ordinator

Preprints of papers are accepted, if the review process has been competed, and the paper has been scheduled for publication.